Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

If you followed the data like you say you do itā€™s a no brainer for pregnant women to get vaccinated. You either follow the data or you donā€™t.

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@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy afraid of an auld needle prick, tis sad to see the gymnastics heā€™ll go to to justify it


What data?

You seem to be too fanatical about vaccination to consider it will take years of clinical trials to ascertain what impact the vaccine has on pregnant women and their offspring.

What should be done is pregnant women should discuss with their GP and ascertain whether they are at a high risk of Covid 19 infection and make their decision on vaccination with regard to that.

Thatā€™s the sensible solution, far better than you dogma and pushing vaccines on pregnant women without any medical consultation.

Iā€™m going to elevenerife this weekend, as long as they donā€™t bar me from going out they can bar me from coming home all they want

No, Iā€™m just against fascism.

I love a good Freudian slip.

Sorry luv, we wont be getting the vaccine, some fella on the internet recommended against it

Oh, what his qualifications?

Heā€™s a forklift driver.

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ā€œSorry love the forklift driver recommended you consult with your doctor first, why donā€™t you hop in my van there and Iā€™ll bring you to the vaccination centre, just ignore the mattress and cable ties.ā€



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Well well

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Fuck me, you really donā€™t have a clue.

Wow. Amazing internetting to dig that up. No defending that

Winter Olympics Applause GIF by SB Nation

You see Mike, when you throw an answer up like that to a fundamental question it exposes you as a bullshitter, a fanatic and a guy who deals in misinformation.

Vulnerable and elderly are dying mate.

Pregnant women arenā€™t, in fact they are producing life.

Anyone here Shane Coleman this morning? The mood music seems to have changed. Coleman reckons we could be facing an Italian situation soon with ambulances outside hospitals. Utter nonsense but the fear mongering is back.

Do you not think this is being done already? Are you really that ignorant?

I couldnā€™t tell you Iā€™m not a pregnant woman. I think this is what should be done - not guys like you with no medical qualifications telling people to get vaccinated. See the dangerous misinformation you are pushing below.

Please address the misinformation youā€™re pedaling here, you fanatical nutjob.

Itā€™s basic stuff that pregnant women go to their GP an odd time. Thatā€™s some cocoon of tin foilery youā€™ve got yourself wrapped up in.

No Iā€™m very rarely Shane Coleman these days