Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

No they haven’t.

Once again more misinformation from the vaccine fascists. There are medical doctors who advise against the vaccine for pregnant women. This will all be determined by individual factors.

Mater hospital has gone to surge ICU capacity.

I hope lads got out at the weekend as you’ll be told to stay home this weekend.

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Give it up you flute.

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You want me to give up because you got exposed as a fanatical bullshitter. Well that makes sense bas you’re a very small minded little bully.

Noone is going to read this.


Most likely because you’re a fanatic.

the above extracts are the exact reason I am out. You call me all sorts there, at no point did I make anything to your points. I never once gave my opinion, anything there is taken from experts on this who are stating their findings. I am not a doctor nor a scientist. I never once said anything about pregnant woman having to get a vaccination nor ramming my views down their throat.

In fact, quite the opposite here. I posted factual data, which I know you’ve ignored. I’ve posted that the data and facts show that a pregnant woman getting a vaccination is the safest thing to do now. that is not my opinion, it is the data shown by scientists and doctors. At no point have you shown any research to contradict any of the points in the data presented, but yet you’ve called me a fanatic, dogmatic, that I need to show open mindness, that I’m being emotive, claims that are horseshit.

With respect here, there is only one person in the above exchanges that is showing themselves to be close minded and emotive and fanatical.

If you want to show actual scientific data that contradicts any of the above information, feel free to do so. I’d gladly read anything that states it is safer for a woman to not receive a vaccine and instead risk getting covid. As I already stated, it is a decision that a woman/couple should make and not one that they should take lightly.

Anyway, I’ll leave it at that. There is little discussion in the above that warrants going any further.


You really should know better.

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yeah I know. but poor aul @mikehunt was getting another ramming and he needed a break. That will give him a reprieve for a little while til the others come on when they wake up this morning.

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@mikehunt should know better too. You could see what was coming here early.

The above extracts point at your fanaticism, at your lies.

Stuff like this is what you don’t like being highlighted.

That’s not grounded in any modicum of truth. It’s a fanatical position and I guess it troubles you its put in under the spotlight, any run along you’ve enough fanatics here to cuddle you and tell you you’re right.

Apologies for responding again, but just out of courtesy

Can the vaccine affect my fetus during pregnancy or reach my baby through breastfeeding?

The mRNA vaccines work by presenting your body with a small set of genetic instructions for producing the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. Your body generates the protein and allows your immune system to learn what the protein looks like so it can recognize the protein if you should ever encounter the actual SARS-CoV-2 virus and prepare an immune response to keep you from getting sick. mRNA is extremely short-lived and easily degraded; this is why the vaccine must be stored at such cold temperatures and used quickly after preparation. Once the vaccine has been injected into your arm, your body either uses the instructions to make those spike proteins or it rapidly breaks down the small amount of mRNA that’s remaining. It is therefore extremely unlikely that any of the mRNA would be able to get into breast milk or into the fetus through the placenta. Additionally, because it’s so easily degraded, it cannot survive the acidic environment of your baby’s stomach, so the vaccine itself cannot affect your baby.

The vaccine is made up of mRNA, and contains no live virus. Therefore, it is impossible to contract COVID-19 from the vaccine, or spread the virus to others.

Preliminary data indicates that vaccination during pregnancy may beneficial to the baby; the vaccine tells your body to provide antibodies against the virus that costs COVID-19, which provide the protection against the disease. Researchers have found those antibodies in umbilical cord blood in people who have received the mRNA vaccines, indicating that the protective antibodies might be able to pass to the baby. As physicians see an increase in the number of very young children (under six months of age) with COVID-19 as the delta variant spreads, it is particularly important for pregnant people to be vaccinated to protect their unborn child.

Again, as noted, I am not a doctor nor a scientist. I leave experts give the information, all I am doing is posting it.

this is not the only information available, there are countless expert advisory boards with the same info.

Again, if you can show something that contradicts their scientific data, I’ll gladly read it to see another viewpoint.

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Ridiculous. I’m middle ground - neither pro or anti.

I have consistently said vaccines have benefits for those elderly, with underlying health conditions and those in poor health. Outside of that I see minimal issue.

Pregnant women have their own health and that of their unborn child to consider, I have advocated they discuss their own individual case with their doctor and decide on the basis of what he/she perceives their risk of Covid infection to them to inform their decision.

I advocate people making informed decisions in relation to their age, health and underlying conditions. Pregnant women are in a terrible position as we simply have no way of concluding any potential long term effects on the child. We do not know enough yet, I have not taken a side.

You have taken a side and are quite to happy to claim things you don’t know as fact to support your argument. You get ratty and emotive when this is pointed out because you are fanatical. You seem to think you’re an expert that you can speak definitively. You seem to say you know things are fact, I say I could not possibly know. I am honest, you are dishonest.

I am middle ground, you are extreme.

I am open minded, you are close minded. I consider all options, you consider one.

Time will tell on vaccines, there’s a lot we simply don’t know. You have definitively made your mind up but at least try to be careful with your language, making such definitive claims on things you simply do not know and trying to polarise debates with such fanaticism and extremism is very dangerous.


I’ve heard of two Christmas parties that have been cancelled today

117 in ICU. Eek.

You’d want your head examined to be booking christmas partys.

So if I put up a scientist who questions that will you dismiss him/her?

I don’t know if that is the case or not. I know it’s not definitive though as I’m open minded and not fanatical with my views.

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Christmas is over rated lads.


Its the most wonderful time of the year.

Locals will be open and the trade will be raging.

Then it’ll be the shebeens, and the auld house parties with the neighours over.

Ah lovely :pint:

I rather relive that buzz of anticipation when Paul Flynn stands over that free in the 2004 Munster Final than put up with a Christmas Party sat next to Doris from accounts talking about her children.

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