Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Caelan Doris?

I know someone that works in a healthcare setting and the social committee booked a booze mini-bus for the staff Christmas party. A mini-bus cruising around from pub to pub and assorted drinking and high jinks on the journey. The boss had a conniption when he found out. You can have your team lunch in a controlled setting, but you cannot be slobbering over each pissed on a packed mini-bus for the night.

Michelle O’Neill is a Doris as well.

Great usage of a great word :clap:

A booze bus does seem slightly ill advised.

Ours was cancelled last week as Hotel informed us that they are anticipating further restrictions.

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You have to think of the optics.

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Yes, they planned to hit them hard


I doubt you’ve ever formed an opinion based on the evidence. Your opinions are based on paranoia and negative emotions. If you went with the former you wouldn’t be on here half as much explaining how the experts are wrong and you’re right.


A lot of angsty projection there.

Brief reminder.

Followed by obfuscation and silence from you.

Just keep on pedaling your lies.

Lads these clowns can’t afford another lockdown tis as simple as that if they could we would have been back in the box weeks ago and with no 350 quid a week to literally pay people off to stay at home then it aint going to work, imagine Martin pottering down to the podium to stutter out “Wwwwe need everyone to do their pppart for 203 Euro a week at Cccchristmas”

Pfizer is the new religion

Is the PUP still in action or has it gone now?

I still reckon it’ll be the first or second week of January when they lock it down again.

That bint from Hugo’s will go on the rampage if she has to cancel all her Christmas bookings. They’ll give the pubs and hospitality sector the festive period and then pull the trigger.

The Dutch have set the precedent and more countries will follow now.

You still looking for the data?

You must be.

You’ve shit yourself when asked to support your claims.

Correct on all counts. The dangers of getting covid far outweigh any possible side effects. Having gone through this recently ourselves I’m delighted we got vaccinated and obviously everything worked bout fine. I researched the shit out of it but it was early days on data front when we had to jump as the Mrs was still working and she works with the public so there was no way we were gonna risk covid. Pregnant women are high risk, that’s fact. The loon balls here have continually said only the elderly and high risk people should get vaccinated and the rest are young and fit enough for the auld flu… The goal posts are being moved agin now tho. I will say that my young lad was born with an enormous mickey, but that was nothing to do with the vaccine, just a family trait.


Looking forward to this. Salthill will be the new Bondi.

I’ll admit to touching cloth from laughing at your ignorance on pregnancy and your unabashed arrogance on telling them what they should and shouldn’t do.

He seems a bit menopausal.

Strange as you were the one who was exposed as being completely dishonest and fanatical in that exchange. Your levels of delusion are staggering.