Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

The radio was amazing listening this morning. Pat Kenny was practically pleading for an immediate lockdown.


Guess who’s back? McConkey is back. Not a huge fan of the vaccines. Thinks we should wait for the 5G ones.

You didn’t realise pregnant women had regular check ups at both hospital and GP. Your defense of such ignorance was that you weren’t pregnant and couldn’t possibly be expected to know. Bizarre.

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no cameras at the airport again this year at Christmas as travelling will be banned again

I can’t understand what they are waiting for, lock it down hard straight away and open it up for a few days before Christmas and the a good hard lockdown from 26th December o April 15. Inter-county travel needs to go tonight

That’s something you’re inferring. I’ve stated that pregnant women should follow the advice from the WHO and consult with their medical practitioner on whether they are high risk from the virus before making a decision. You said fuck that, fuck the WHO, fuck consulting with a medical practitioner - get the vaccine and you’ve proceeded to tell a pack of lies since.

You’re just an idiot who has became a bedfellow with the nutjob doxxer and runs a pack of lies across the forum.

The experts are saying pregnant women should be getting vaccinated. They also say they should get the flu jab. They are saying this because they follow the data. It’s not that complicated.

If McConkey is back, then Thomas Ryan must be due a reappearance

Most of the over 60s and vulnerable have got a booster shot. Answer is more lockdowns though. Jesus weeps.

You mean the experts that agree with your position.

There are other experts who disagree with that. Of course you just look to throw mud at them.

You see I’m not fanatical. I appreciate science and medicine are very conflicted on all of this, I think we need far more time to ascertain whether we can rule out any potential harm Covid vaccines do to pregnant mothers and their offspring. There is a lot of hesitancy in pregnant women with regard to this but maybe if you had any respect you might understand that.

You just like to pedal misinformation on the other hand

No they haven’t, that’s the problem.


“It seems your outlook is based on assumptions, bias and fanaticism.”



“I didn’t ask for data”


I’d anticipate an appeal to people stop going to things that are open and a roll out of certs for all indoor settings will be followed in two weeks by a good and proper lockdown.

The public will support the second lockdown.

Lads, will ye stop taking the bait continually from the Queens Bhoy ffs.

He’ll move back to Italian football if ye stop interacting with him.

If leaders from ALL parties came out tonight with an appeal to the public to scale back movements and unnecessary trips for a few weeks to bring down numbers, avoid a lock down and so we can have a ‘meaningful’ Christmas, I think most people would comply. WFH needs to be brought back in across the board until new year and maybe schools need to rotate days in / day at home… You can scream all you want about flus and vaccines. The ICU numbers are shooting up, we need to reduce them.

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While the stealth bombers (cc @mickee321 ) are unvaccinated we are at nothing.

You’d just have INTERNET experts shouting “mixed messages” and “HYPOCRITES!!!” and then reciting Qewanisms like “very concerning” and “the next two weeks are crucial”.

There is a concerted and very successful online campaign of ultra-cynicism to reject any sort of nuance, and thus to reject any common sense public health measure or even any common sense public health idea.

So a lockdown it will almost certainly be.