Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

OK. Its official.
The mood music has changed.


Pretty much. Itā€™s only an auld flu after all.

Gary Dempsey told us so.

Iā€™ve been on to my local TD voicing my concern at rising numbers but also being weary of lockdowns. We need to remind people if their personal responsibilityā€¦ If they ignore this then Iā€™m ok with a 6 month lockdown.

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Covid Liveline is back.

The mood music has gone all Nick Cave.

The UK are ploughing on with boosters, over 13m so far. Why are niac delaying what is obviously required, and inevitably going to happen.

Rumor is Gerry Killeen is on the plane back too

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w.r.t. vaccines
there was a wonderfully assured chap on morning ireland/NT around 8-55AM this morning as i was heading from school to WORK.
Anyway, Id have given him a job with me, he started into the whole classic political style deflection answer tactic with the corporate leader approach of attempting to give a measured response without actually saying anything, this is a demonstration of ā€œmaturityā€ that I only see in Ireland - it was along the lines of
" Look, we know, weā€™re world class at vaccinations, look at us, best in the EU we should all be incredibly proud of that and I really take great pride in this every day, so what next - well we know the face mask works, lets double down on the mask wearing, children from 6 up if needed , increase that social distance , lets avoid those crowdsā€¦""

so , weā€™ve fucking nailed the vaccinesā€¦ i get it, but, but , butā€¦


Heā€™s just after ending his 3rd pandemic in Africa.

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Ah yeah in fairness the irish people are windy as fuck. Months of we need to end restrictions and look there is now a rise on cases and they want a lockdown again. I mean anyone with a brain cell would expect a rise in cases.

At least you have maintained your hardliners view on restrictions. I havenā€™t changed by view that we should be fully open. We are in a quasi oiutf range with vax passes etc. (I agree they do fuck all to stop spread).

Paddy loves to piss and moan

I thought it was pandemic 5 or 6 heā€™s after or is it a hattrick in Africa alone?

lock it down, open it up, cases rise, paddy shits the bed, lock it down, open it up, cases rise, paddy shits the bed, lock it down again

rinse, repeat. FOREVER!

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Living with Covid is not sustainable. Thatā€™s the long and short of it.

I donā€™t want to go all Golden Cleric (I actually do, fuck modesty) but my posts from October 11th were eerily prophetic.

Itā€™s fair to say that our politicians have pivoted from ā€˜vaccines are the only way outā€™ to ā€˜vaccines, boosters, more masks for more people, more social distancing and the possibility of more lockdownsā€™ are the only way outā€¦in much the same way as they pivoted from carbon is the problem to methane is the problem.

Iā€™m never surprised by the gullibility of the people, but Iā€™m often disappointed in their willingness to be stupid.

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is it time to pursue a zero covid policy?

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ā€œeeeeeeehhhhe Professor Luke O Neill of Trinity College, are we heading into a tough Winter, can we say this truly is now the Pandemic of the Unvaccinated,eeeheheeeeehā€
( loud banging in the background horns, guitars playing " waheeey, wahoohh- PAAT, yeah wow well what did i tell you ? did you see that article from some lad , now this was in The New England Journal, this is like the gold standard you see Pat and he reckons that by May , yes May 2022 Pat, weā€™ll be absolutely swimming in ANTIVIRAAAAALLSS"ā€¦

" eeehe yes Luke O Neill and ive a text here from a listener ( what follows is a text message the length of a small essay) - Whilst walking around O Connell Street and lower Grafton Street I observed at least 3 men aged less than 21 not wearing masks, What is the current WHO advise on mask wearing and is there a link between Antigen testing, mask wearing and the reduction in the virus, The attitude of the public leaves a lot to be desired , i was in a restaurant on Sunday where the foreign waitress did not ask for photo ID, i stayed to complete my meal but i was utterly disgusted- these foreigners really have a lot to learn from us"
" wow Pat what a great message, its woh it really is a great pandemic for opinions and the science - just look at the research and the vaccines, wow theyā€™re everywhere Pat- "

continues in that ludicrous vein


@Bandage is well versed in the zero covid policy - i would say it certainly is a card worth playing in say May of next year if we are still at this situation after the most brutal lockdown of all time that is coming post Christmas 2021

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Hundreds of posts on pregnant women and not one mention of why pregnant women have been vaccine resistant. I think itā€™s less than 50% of pregnant women in the UK have been vaccinated and itā€™s lower in the US.

Pregnant women were excluded from the clinical trials so there was no safety data to go on. Add this to the mixed messaging from the WHO and regulatory bodies (the WHO clearly advised in January 2021 that pregnant women should not take the mRNA vaccines unless they were in high risk groups), and the historical concerns with taking medications during pregnancy (ibuprofen for example).

Pregnant women should absolutely get vaccinated as they are at higher risk of Covid, the vaccines also provide some protection to their child as studies show some of the antibodies cross the placenta.


Thereā€™s a few lads that have gotten increasingly more demented as time has gone on. Lockdowns and pandemic stress were tough on all of us but you have to feel sorry for the lads that were a bit weaker minded and who havenā€™t been able to handle it all.


Takes after his mother