Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

We’re at 89.2% vaccine uptake among adults.

This muppet still getting his appraise fees;

_Covid-19 vaccination for third-level students should be mandatory, Trinity College Assistant Professor at the School of Biochemistry and Immunology TomĂĄs Ryan has said.

Speaking on RTÉ’s Drivetime, he said: “You’re bringing large numbers of people together and you want to be assured that there’s no risk of this creating a spreader event that will produce risks to the community, risks to staff, indeed risks to vulnerable students.”

Third-level campuses have been far emptier over the past 18 months due to Covid-19 restrictions, but institutions have been planning for a safe return to on-site learning in September.

However, Dr Ryan said it’s much more secure if everyone, except for those who can’t for medical reasons, are vaccinated.

He said the simplest way would be to make vaccination mandatory for access to a university, in general.

“We’re entering into a very uncertain winter period, particularly in this country, the cases are very high and they’re going to get higher,” he said. “We’re going to be seeing, I think, that vaccines alone as a strategy is not going to be as effective as we think it is, until we get cases low.”_

When are they going to release any kind of plan as to when life returns to normal? Aren’t we near enough as many vaccinated as we’re going to get at this stage?

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End of the month

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“We’re entering into a very uncertain winter period” The next two weeks are crucial.

Some lidtf headcase - August 2027

These freaks need to be thrun into the liffey.


The finishing line is within sight

They appeared to be past the winning post in Dublin at the weekend, the queues at the bars were 5 deep.

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A few of the iconic Croke Park bars gone now - Quinn’s, The Big Tree etc. What was open at the weekend? McGraths?, Red Parrot? Phil Ryan’s?

I ended up in fibbers. Not really match day regular but the door was open and they gave me pint bottles

There’s a new controversy brewing about the efficacy of vaccines and how long vaccine immunity lasts. Some of the experts I regard as the most reliable are now claiming that efficacy against Covid illness has dropped from 95% to 50-60% in populations that were vaccinated early, like Israel and the elderly in the US and UK. If that’s true, that means one out of every two vaccinated people who get exposed to the virus get sick.

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Camden Street was something else on Saturday night.


You mean Topol? He’s getting widely criticised for that tweet…

It’s becoming increasingly hard to find two Covid experts that agree on much. Topol is strongly pro vaccine and has been on the ball with most of his analysis. It’s scandalous that there isn’t better reporting on this, the CDC aren’t even reporting cases among the vaccinated unless they are hospitalized. While simultaneously saying the vaccinated need to wear masks as if they are infected they are as likely to spread the virus.

Sure anyone could work this out by spending a little time on tfk


I am pro absolute lawlessness but anyone in the hideout Saturday could see exactly why Tony was reluctant to give us an inch :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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You could write a PhD thesis on it.

The inch is not Tony’s to give


I’m but a humble illiterate farmer

It’s hard to be humble. When you’re perfect in every way