Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Never said your predictions were wrong. They were based on good data and track record that I concurred with at that time. I can’t believe some people are so shocked that we got to this point when we opened up. I dod expect numbers to increase, I should have expected how many people couldn’t put 2 and 2 together to get this. I still maintain live woth covid at fully OIUTF and your right we will get what have now. I don’t think zero covid is possible (and we have been through all that).

Most people are surprised that cases increase after mainly opening up. Somehow opening up with masks, vax certs (it’s clear the vaccine doesn’t stop the spread) etc. Will magically stop an increase in cases. Its bananas people actually believed doing the guildlines dance will protect them. Guildlines won’t stop covid it’s just to be seen to do something

Zero covid won’t work due to behaviour, ignorance to behaviour (sure I only saw x y and z as its essential) and we have to reopen to outside of Ireland eventually.

Interesting, that’s news to me.

My workplace has a temperature check and I have seen a few offices around mine woth similar set ups since the start of covid. Checked as you walk I I door with a big screen and red light to indicate if you are too high. Isolation room next to it.

Temperature is not a good screen for Covid. Close to 50% of people who are hospitalized do not have an elevated temperature when admitted. People who are asymptomatic and presymptomatic transmit the virus, the main reason eradication or Zero Covid is a nonsense concept.

It most certainly has. A mild panic is starting to manifest itself in SOCIETY again. It’s not hysteria yet, but give it time. Parents keeping children out of crèche. Crèche ringing up parents to collect children at the mere hint of a cough or runny nose. That kind of thing. Only two or three weeks back everyone accepted them sneezing and snorting on each other, but nobody cared because it happens every year. But the mood music has changed. Things are looking ominous.


Such as?

In all fairness, if you say something is a nonsense concept that’s a pretty reliable indicator that it’s the opposite.

By far the best time to panic is before others do.

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Its crazy to me that there hasn’t been serious discussion in the media and at political level recently regarding NPHET’s credibility. There’s a multitude of things you could call them up on but three stand out:

  1. They have turned totally reversed course I antigen testing without any obvious reason. Where is the wild thrashing about it which they engaged in during the summer?

  2. Their total inability to predict anything at all is glaring, from Nolan’s models in August being a good deal off, to him then saying 6 weeks ago that we had almost achieved suppression. Good call Philip. What happens? Cushy job for him and nothing more about it.

  3. Finally, there’s the fact that they have probably exacerbated the current position by delaying reopening to the extent that vaccine efficacy is waning. Common sense would tell you it would have been better to open things up in July/August rather than Autumn, yet here we are with a bomb of cases because everyone is in doors and they spurned the chance to open up earlier when vaccine protection would have been greater and ICUs wouldn’t have been under the usual seasonal strain.


Ah here, 18.24% positivity is a piss take.

I follow a Canadian journalist who lives in Denmark who regularly updates figures from there, a guy called Shane Woodford, and you’d regularly see stuff on his Twitter like “positivity rates were worryingly high at 2.06%”.

Exactly. They have been clueless on this from the very start but accept zero responsibility. The media will not dare question them though.

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NPHET are not to be questioned. Ever.

Are they not constantly being questioned?

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Everything flows from the fact that so called living with Covid doesn’t work. NPHET were tasked with making living with Covid work.

It’s like being tasked with winning an All-Ireland with Leitrim.

i would 100% AGREE with this
There is COVID everywhere and there is whattsapping bordering on hysteria on our first class whattsapp group-
we unaminously agreed at soccer yesterday it was " probably better the shagging thing" was done at the the end of the month as things are getting a bit messy- we were 18/32 yesterday and id say half the kids there were spluttering but looks that what you get for having them run around 3 days a week in november in shorts and t shirts
One of the dads a traveler said there was no fucking way his son was getting a fucking yoke shoved up his nose or any injection, anyway

in other news Smyths Toys in Navan has run out of Christmas 2021 catalogues- now that’s hysteria

Great stuff. I remember they complained in the early days that the % positive was too low, meaning the wrong people were getting tested. At 18% we must be testing all the right people. Well done us.


Did Associate Professor Tomas Ryan predict the current situation?

The ubiquitous Colm Henry seems to be the go to NPHET spokesperson at the moment. He’s being wheeled out daily.

yes - we now have stellar Vacciation and positivity rates
The envy of Europe no doubt, we really have a phenomanel understanding of the symptoms as well by the looks of those numbers

In hindsight, an even worse video.