Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

and just for more bullshit


Such as when you told us when you tried to tell us we had less restrictions and that students here donā€™t wear masks, even though all secondary students wear masks. Or when you were pushing the line that childrenā€™s natural immunity might only last 6-8 weeks or so. You tried to back it up with a study which was very different.
To be honest mate, I wouldnā€™t pull you up on it except for how hardline your posts are about YOU being RIGHT. Iā€™d agree with a lot of what you post but canā€™t stand the vehemence.


The majority of school students here do not wear masks.

Sam McConkey pushed the line that childrenā€™s immunity might only last 6-8 weeks. You better take it up with him. Have you got evidence to say heā€™s wrong, or that there is no possibility he is correct? On this particular topic, he is pushing a line of caution. Hasnā€™t that been consistently proved to be the sensible thing?

By the way, as time has gone on the so called ā€œnatural immunityā€ argument has been proven a crock.

So you donā€™t really have much to go on in your criticisms of my posts.

If we had more vehemence throughout society and particularly in positions of influence, perhaps weā€™d have better policy?

We havenā€™t had nearly enough vehemence in terms of protecting public health.

By far the most vehement people have been those who have been consistently spectacularly wrong.

You certainly see that on this forum.

Antigen tests have significant weaknesses. That is undeniable. That is not to say they are useless. At a time of containable transmission, which we had when restrictions were in place in summer, they were very worthwhile. But Europeā€™s most high profile exponent of antigen tests has been Denmark - and now, in a non-restricted environment in winter, mass antigen testing (and mass PCR testing - 151k PCR tests yesterday + a further 78k antigen) there is no longer keeping the numbers down.

Philip Nolan himself peddled snake oil when he said the schools were safe.

That was something I was vehement about at the time (cc: of @Juhniallio).

We have a temperature gun at work but we stopped using it months ago. Just gradually fell out of use because none of us give a fuck about covid.

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Nah it will be twice-yearly at worse and Iā€™d say young people like us wont even bother with it.

I donā€™t get the big problem with expecting old people to get a covid jab in September with their flu-jab. Iā€™m with the bed-wetters with this one, who cares? If this is the dystopian future, one injection once a year, dystopia isnā€™t that bad.

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Iā€™d agree with that. A jab once or twice a year is no big deal if itā€™s the price to pay for something of a normal life.

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Plenty to go on mate. You lie by omission.
So you were wrong about our students not wearing masks. Every child in secondary school is a huge chunk to forget about. The guts of 350000 people.
You pushed McConkeys line here. And tried to back it up with a survey that didnt back it up.
You should maybe not try to be so absolute and overexaggerate as it detracts from your arguments.
We have had plenty of vehemence in this country with regard to protecting peopleā€™s health. Longer lockdowns than elsewhere and in many cases stricter.
Again you overlook this. As I said before, you know the above things to be true and ignored them to make your arguments stronger in your own mind. It makes them much weaker imo. You continually omit things from your points. Like when you said icu numbers came down because the people in icu died. Some died, some recovered. Ignoring the reality that people also recover is nonsensical.
I think percentage wise we are doing brilliantly on covid. A high vaccination rate means the vast majority of people arenā€™t getting bad doses when they contract covid. That is a huge success. Our only problem is hospital capacity. Iā€™d advocate that there should be special hospitals dedicated to it. Fuckit if it means renting citywest again why not. We did the original lockdown to increase capacity to be ready for it and to work out how to treat it. A year and a half later the outcomes if you get the virus are way way better. Our only issue is capacity. The government has reneged on what they specifically said they would do. And they are getting away with wrecking peopleā€™s lives to compensate for it.


The other big issues (and itā€™s there from long before Covid) in our health system is massive absenteeism and really poor infection control.

Media never ask those questions.

It would be interesting to see data on absenteeism in public v private hospitals.

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Who is moaning about that?

I think the problem people have is forcing and coercing vaccines on the entire population. I donā€™t think many people will have issue with the Covid vaccine being rolled out similar to the flu vaccine.

So you have basically nothing to go on in your moaning except nit picking and made up shite.

The sooner you and others like you take yer heads out of yer arses and accept Iā€™ve called all this as close to spot on as humanly possible the whole way through, the sooner yisā€™ll stop talking shite.

If you think lack of hospital capacity is our only problem, I despair, I really do. Deluded isnā€™t the quarter of it.

Youā€™re too arrogant to engage with any of the reasonable points he made.

At the end of the day you were still advocating for zero covid a few months ago. You couldnā€™t have been more wrong.

Hmmm. 4 examples of your lies or being incorrect. Iā€™d say lies cos I have no doubt you knew. So youā€™re right obviouslyā€¦if you decide to ignore every time you are wrong. Which is convenient for you if you chief aim is to shout ā€˜I was rightā€™. Congratulations on the Golden Cleric. You thoroughly deserve it


The @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy debating technique.

Iā€™m still advocating for it now.

And the mess weā€™re in now shows why I was and am still correct to do so.

This mess now is what you called for. Youā€™ve called for pretty much every mess weā€™ve been in for the last year and half.

Think itā€™s more your line as I can always corroborate my position and am happy to stand behind it and flesh it out. You just accuse the other person of lying and then running away.

Keep digging buddy.

I know. Itā€™s unbelievable.

Unable to engage with any of his points?

Well done on being wrong for the last year and half. Thanks ever so much.