Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

We have plenty we’ve done wrong. If you accept that zero covid is impossible, which you now seem to, then managing living with it is the most important thing. And having capacity to manage the unlucky ones who get very sick is the most important part of that.

What points?

Aren’t you the chancer that’s been in hiding for the last six months when I called you out on your shite?

Followed by which you engaged in months of gaslighting, spoofing and bad faith nonsense?

Go back to a month ago. You were telling us all how we couldn’t possibly be wrong in dropping restrictions.

Guess you were wrong, eh!

Plus ca change, plus ca change…

Why do people bother?

What’s the evidence it’s impossible?

What’s the evidence that the situation we’re in now is sustainable?

Why would you want to live with a constant state of precarity?

What are the benefits of it?

“I’m right and the rest of the world is wrong.” (“also sometimes I’ll post links to the experts that have dismissed what I want when they agree with me but when they disagree with me they’re
also wrong”)

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These ones here. The ones you ignored because you’re unable to engage with counterpoints.

Go back over the course of the pandemic. I have called this pretty much spot on the whole way.

That irks you immensely.

There’s a wee thing called your brain, a chara.

The difference between us is I know how to use it.

What points? Where are my supposed “lies by omission”?

You are one of the last people to talk.

The bullshit and bad faith nonsense you’ve come out with over the last year and a half has been comical.

You have zero credibility on this topic.

I disagree that you have called it correctly. Most people do. Including NPHET.

For clarity, zero covid was wrong, you were wrong.

It irks you massively to be questioned. You’re currently getting irate because Juhy called you out on a few points and you refuse point blank to respond to him.

4570 today lads. Hope he enjoyed the pints at the weekend, might be it for a while


You spent a year and a half slating NPHET and now you use them as a crutch? Deary fucking me.

28 deaths in NZ v 5 and a half thousand here?

Australia 1k deaths?

Taiwan, South Korea, China, and since April India, all implementing a zero tolerance policy with great success, and you say they were wrong?

And now us, up the fucking creek again, walking under the bus like idiots, and you claim this as success?

What are the benefits of our current situation?

I always welcome questioning. Always have, always will.

I welcome questioning from people who debate in good faith, not disingenuous liars who are out to save their forum skin and pretend they were right about everything when they cheerled every policy failure in this state and then some.

just back from mace there
4 people over 18 in the store no mask on that i could see…

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Reply to juhy’s points so.

How are things in Britain ?

The next lockdown will be interesting because the buy-in from those aged below 40 will be so low. There’s lots of things the government could have done to prevent this next lockdown, people can and will complain about this:-

  • boosters earlier and wider
  • WFH earlier
  • antigen testing wider and earlier
  • more restrictions and testing in schools earlier.

You never bothered to tell me why you said I condone paedophiles? I’m genuinely interested in knowing why you said that, it was on this thread

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Why would I reply again when I already did reply and squarely addressed the post and the supposed “points”? What are these “lies by omission”? How is McConkey wrong? Where is your evidence?

If you want to behave like the Aughnacloy Shaman, and it seems clear you do, be my guest, but don’t expect to be taken seriously by any serious person.

Respect is earned. You’ve lost it. For the last year and a half your ideology has been 2019 normality and how to cut as many corners as possible to get back to it.

Doesn’t work.

You’re still lying about zero covid.

What lies? Big allegation. Back it up.

You’ve rejected the reality that it was not possible in Ireland.