Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Iā€™ve been through this with you before. I know a few of ye like to go round in circles debating. Ye need to get a life. If you want to rake over the coals, go back and read the thread yourself. Iā€™m not going to respond again.

The unvaxxed are flat earthers.

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You were sold a pup. Donā€™t blame the people who told you that those vaccines would not prevent transmission or provide immunity.

Blame the virus kid.

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I havenā€™t been over this with you or anyone.
You want to level something like that at me and think you donā€™t need to back it up :grinning:

I donā€™t patronise gyms, My balding head is shaved and Iā€™m fully vaccinated in any case.

Up yer bollix NPHET.


Thatā€™s a lie.

What? I didnā€™t expect the vaccine to wipe out the virusā€¦ That would have been plain stupid. The auld flu isnā€™t wiped out, why would covid be? Itā€™s aim is merely to reduce serious sickness.


They can throw whatever they want. I wonā€™t be pushed into getting vaccinated to protect bedwetters. Especially when the vaccine(s) donā€™t work.

Is it reducing sickness though?

I may have forgotten,
So weā€™ve been over it and youā€™re confident that you can say I condone paedophilia?
And thatā€™s a completely unprovoked comment, thatā€™s a bit sad to be honest, and a little weird, youā€™d want to back it up,

Fuck off?

Like a fella caught at the bottom of a pyramid scheme. You were conned kid but you werenā€™t the only one

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This Karina Butler seems a real weak and watery individual. Takes an age to make a decision which everyone knows well in advance anyway.

I donā€™t know what to tell ya

Tell me the truth ffs.

Yes, for the most part.

So why werenā€™t you blubbering for flu vaccine passes?

I was.

Oh dear

Youā€™d be glad to see the Catholic Church regain control of the country. Its clear lads were just itchin for a return to tyranny, any tyranny