Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Lets see how the winter goes, mate.

I think youā€™re very wrong. Everyone was talking them up during the summer when seasonal viruses generally arent a problem.

The winter now is the acid test. Its not looking good early doors.

McDonkey is even saying it. Those vaccines which were supposed to be our way out of this was a load of bollocks.

Testing should be used rather than a perishable covid cert. Its madness.

Will the pubs be open this Christmas:

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Whatā€™s your alternative, let it rip and let the health service be over run and people die? The numbers are rocketing up in hospital and ICU, just let them at it? The vaccines arenā€™t perfect, far from it, but the booster will hopefully get us over the hump. In my mind we have to do a combo of vaccinate and let the virus spread so some form of natural immunity is built up. But thatā€™s a fine line to traverseā€¦ Winter of course was always gonna see a spike for obvious reasons. Israel has shown that the booster does workā€¦ If it helps bring numbers down and let us get on with living safely Iā€™ll take the vaccine every month, itā€™s not a bother to me. Itā€™s a two second jab in my arm. Iā€™ve smoked, taken pills and powder and drank ā€¦and ate all the wrong foods . I wonā€™t be getting all high and mighty about putting ā€˜shitā€™ into my body at this stage of my life. Iā€™ll roll the dice and get on with it. I donā€™t think the world of science is out to kill everyone.


This cunt is loving it.


Will anyone call out NPHET over their stance around antigen testing?

Yes. In about 5 yearsā€™ time when theyā€™ve disbanded.

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Yeah I will

Are there many/any clusters in gyms?

Shur ye headbangers wonā€™t go for tests or the Vaccine :man_shrugging:

Good man. :+1:

Iā€™m double vaxxed

Iā€™ll tag the shit out of them on Twitter

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First of all. The health service has always been overrun. 48 people on trolleys today in the regional. It is an awful setup. Could the HSE have done better capacity wise nearly 2 years into a pandemic? Maybe, surely.

Look its fundamentally abhorrent how FFG have run the HSE for as long as I can remember anyway. Its only getting worse as well. What I would do with the covid situation - Its not an easy answer but I would go out of my way to protect the elderly and vulnerable. Quarterly boosters may help them from the limited data that is there.

For the rest of us relatively healthy and young, I would let the virus run through. I donā€™t think there is any other option in fairness which Iā€™ve said all along. End of the day the majority of the public thankfully arent at risk of serious illness and death. The government absolutely have to weigh the negatives of more rolling lockdowns vs the positives.

If we lockdown again this winter, weā€™ll have to do the same in 2022 and 2023 and beyond. If the majority of the public are happy with. Fair enough.

Ultimately, you donā€™t stop an airborne virus when its endemic. Thats where we are.


Anyone that will have their livelihood affected calling for a lockdown on telly/radio over the past few weeks?

This is at least his second go at a ā€œwhy does Ireland have more cases than anywhere else articleā€ but I donā€™t think heā€™s any closer to improving on we donā€™t have a clue as the answer yet.

Covid conundrum: Why is Ireland worse off than most of western Europe? (via @IrishTimes) Covid conundrum: Why is Ireland worse off than most of western Europe?

Not enough hand washing, pal.

So you want a two tiered society?

More testing?


I think putting up nazi papers is not going to help things at all.

Thats your preference. Own it.

Put on your anti vaxx arm band like a good chap.