Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Crazy stuff.

Sure look at Israel now with the 3rd booster shots for the over 50’s.

Further lockdowns in sight - you couldnt have predicted that.

A pure hames of a carry on.

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Not a bad result for Pfizer, Moderna etc.

Whats more baffling is how a two tiered society can be justified when these vaccines don’t stop transmission or provide immunity.

We were saying that last February too and that media stooge Luke O’Neill wasnt aware of it at the time as per his tweet above.

He is some spoofer in fairness.

The best man I have ever seen at running with the hare and hunting with the hound.


Is there a conflict of interest there at all?

I don’t know.

Nothing to see there to be fair.

Could see why he wouldnt be for the aul Ivermectin as a treatment though.

No money in that…

If the vaccine turns out problematic and ivermectin turns out to have been suppressed, its hard to see how some of these fellas will avoid their comeuppance.


I don’t say this lightly: You’ve been right.

About everything.

Should we burn them at the stake? I’m agnostic on it. I suppose they are lucky it’s not the 16th century.

Ah now I have to take ‘slight’ issue with that. I remember labane1917 gently chiding me that garlic was antibacterial rather than antiviral. I also remember buying into this lockdown nonsense… for a few days, before it became blindingly obvious what was going on- I even recall thinking ‘test and trace’ was vital, sure i couldn’t have been much furtherfrom the mark there. Isolated and minor incidents I’ll grant you, but I’m desperate hard on myself so I am, I’ll bate myself up something shocking for being so foolish.
I’d say most of us were lidtf/pcr proponents for a while, but sane voices, the true picture and common sense soon emerged and reestablished themselves, at least amongst those of us with a bit of cop on and the humility to change course.

Incidentally, I see Dr Pierre Kory expressing concerns about the efficacy of Ivermectin as a treatment for advanced delta variant cases- clearly a dispassionate and integrous man of science who hasn’t conflated ego and reason…a bit like ourselves @Enrique?


I’m up for it if you are. There should be some kind of inquisition first though

I haven’t paid a mote of attention to the whole coronavirus craic in about a month. Had a scan through this thread and then had a look at the RTÉ News website this morning:

18 months in. You’d have to say as a species we’re making an absolute fuck of this thing.


Science still chasing its tail.

As long as the focus remains on cases and not hospitalisations/deaths then we’re golden

You’re forgetting that Covid has been a financial bonanza for RTÉ. They aren’t giving that up anytime soon.

They aren’t the only ones tbf, sensational reporting is now the norm. The White House came out in public to criticise the New York Times for it a couple of weeks ago, which is highly unusual.


Oooh, conspiracy. RTE invented Covid, now. :grinning: :grin:

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Is it not a matter of fact that RTE have benefited incredibly from this. Why would they want it to end?


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Ffs this is a bit much now