Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

More Mike Hunt lies.

When your mouth opens, lies come out.

For somebody who is self declared advocate for flu patients its quite the gap in knowledge.

I presume heā€™s flu jabbed now though? :grinning:

Have many of the double jabbā€™d lads on here decided not to bother with the booster?


Do you speak it as you type it? Your keyboard must be in a shocking state with all the drool and spittle.

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He has followed the data and come to the conclusion that the flu vaccine is shit.

Iā€™m going to christen this type of Logic ā€˜the Sid Jumpā€™. Intentional extrapolation of someoneā€™s point in the completely wrong manner. Wilfully maximising misunderstanding.

Iā€™m stupid for answering butā€¦Antigen tests wonā€™t by themselves make cases go down but are an incredibly useful tool to keep case levels as low as possible.


But they arenā€™t keeping case levels as low as possible.

Because too much faith has been placed in them, as Professor Ricciardi rightly pointed out.

They may have a role as part of a wide suite of measures, but that is not the way they are being used.

They have been used to justify opening fully.

But opening fully at this level of vaccination, and as we go into winter, is folly.

Itā€™s like contact tracing, contact tracing has a role if it is used as part of a wide suite of measures. But when cases go above a certain level, it effectively becomes useless, because the whole thing snowballs.

I havenā€™t misrepresented anybody.

People here just donā€™t like being called out on their bullshit. They find it very confronting. After a year of a circle jerk echo chamber on this forum between April 2020 and April 2021, where ā€œitā€™s all a codā€ gammonology and deluded ā€œCorona centrismā€ was allowed to run rife, itā€™s hardly surprising.

Made up.

Is there any vaccine that works poorly as the covid vaccine ?

Youā€™d wonder if they never called it a vaccine from the start and instead maybe called it a preventive measure or something would people be more willing to take it.



Itā€™s not a thing that people have said. Itā€™s a thing that youā€™ve made up.

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On what basis did you support opening up, so?

Premptive treatment at best, fucking conjob at worst


This is so demonstrably wrong itā€™s hilarious. TFK has a whole range of loons on either side and a heap of people all over the middle. We have plenty of Anti-vaxxers and a few ā€˜lock it down and throw away the keyā€™ types like yourself. Then thereā€™s fellas in the middle too. Plenty look in and get back out as quick. Or lads like myself who generally stay out of it but chime in every now and then. Iā€™d class myself as somewhere in the middle, what you patronising call ā€˜deluded Corona centristsā€™.
A wide spread of opinions so, not an echo chamber (,despite the propensity for discussions to circleā€¦)


A small penis is

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It really is some sorry mess we have found ourselves in.

I honestly thought it would have fizzled out by now.

Itā€™s only starting

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Thatā€™s your impression and youā€™re entitled to it. I believe itā€™s a wrong impression. My impression is that the ā€œitā€™s all a codā€ conspiraloons basically ran riot here for a year without much pushback.

Although I donā€™t think this forum is unique in that. A quick look at the Covid forum shows that place is even worse.

But ā€œCorona centrismā€ is nearly more insidious because it pretends to be ā€œmatureā€ and ā€œbalancedā€ but still labours under delusions of cutting corners to attain 2019 normality. Itā€™s like centrism in general, it thinks everything would be alright if we just made some token changes.

My view is that this forum has contained little enough in the way of cold, hard realism, at least until I started posting here again.

I was on the mainland last week for a few days and it was mental stuff altogether - people going around shaking hands and hugging eachother.

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That last sentence though :grinning:

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