Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

What makes you sure third dose gets us out of this? I think we’re fcuked for a hell of a long time

It would be a nightmare for you. The “let her rip” merchants wouldn’t give a shit. They’d end up winning.

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There’s execs in Pfizer literally creaming themselves over talk of mandatory vaccines. Will certainly help them pay out all the lawsuits they have over all the illegal marketing and defective products they’ve released over the years anyway

Not forgetting the bribes and kickbacks they’ve made to medical professionals, scientists and FDA board members to approve and promote their defective and dangerous drugs.

Some people might refer to these folk as “experts” to support their position.

They’ve always had our best interests at heart

A third dose widely rolled out definitely gets you to a much better situation minimum. The data and the real world evidence from Israel is clear on that. The small print of whether we’re fucked long term will likely depend on how extensive the roll outs everywhere are.

If we don’t get serious about getting vaccines into arms everywhere, yes, we may well be fucked long term, or we might have a situation where there is a modicum of old normality over the summer months and in winter we are faced with what we have now or worse.

While it is obviously a good thing that anti-virals have been developed, if we need to use them on a wide scale that will be a problem, because it will mean the virus will still be circulating widely.

And we may well face the same resistance or reluctance towards taking anti-virals that we see with vaccines, and also they will not be 100% effective.

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An Ebola outbreak would be fun. “Had 10 pints last night. Literally puked out me insides.”

The lad demanding pregnant women shouldn’t get the vaccine. The same guy that didn’t want to allow women the right to choose an abortion under any circumstances… There’s a pattern at play there. The same guy pretends to be Italian. A typical anti vaxx headbanger.



@Thomas_Brady pedaling his tinfoil hat misinformation again.

Well that might go a long way to explaining why, despite vaccinations, boosters, covid certs, masks, distancing etc etc, infections are soaring. All the measures, all the data is pretty much irrelevant. It’s down to human behaviour.

Strangely enough he’s all in on the ignorant British approach to managing a pandemic and vilifies the more sensible Italian approach.

There is absolutely no reason to believe immunity from booster shots will last any longer than the original shots and every reason to assume they will last the same length (roughly six months) or shorter. There isn’t one immunologist in the world making this claim.

The antibodies produced by Covid vaccines do not last, so for now it’s shots every six months for those that are vulnerable. The bigger issue is that those who are more vulnerable are not getting much of a benefit from vaccines, in 50% of immunocompromised people they are producing no antibodies. Some people assume vaccines produce antibodies via magic, they don’t, they produce antibodies if you have a reasonably healthy immune system which most people have.

The idea that you can vaccinate everyone is madness. There are ~20% of adults in western countries who simply won’t get vaccinated, and surveys say 50% of parents are reluctant to vaccinate young children. The majority of young kids have been exposed to Covid at this stage anyway.

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The HSE are on a war footing

Holohan has new recommendations coming next Tuesday, the pubs are gone lads, get out this weekend


Those vaccines must be plain useless if healthcare workers are falling in those numbers.

I’m not sure if other people’s experiences are different? I’ve actually been surprised by it. It’s been this way since after the first few months. Finding out kids did not really get sick from it was an absolute game changer. Even people I would have thought would be the cautious types alter very very little about their behaviour. The only ones really into it seem to be already anxious type women on Facebook who seem terrified their kids are going to die in school but maybe I just don’t mix in those circles.

  1. They would have been one of the first groups to be vaccinated, so immunity has worn off.
  2. Boosters are only being rolled out now to health care workers I think?
  3. Being vaccinated doesn’t stop infection or transmission.
  4. Irish hospitals are riddled with Covid.

Countries already mandate vaccinations under the law.

Young people (teenagers through twenties) broadly stopped adhering to lockdowns in late summer 2020. There is zero chance to get them to adhere to another lockdown, short of imposing a CCP style lockdown.

What - nightclubs not opening?