Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

You speak on behalf of all pregnant women now?

I don’t think women would appreciate a known liar and fantasist like yourself speaking on behalf of them.

I’d say Reidy has a plan lined up

Do as I say, not as I do.

The audit trail doesn’t lie. Your ignorance of the basics in healthcare renders your uninformed input on viruses and vaccine efficacy totally redundant.

Your words were ‘I’m not a pregnant woman. I couldn’t tell you’. Jesus wept.

Thankfully it doesn’t.

This is apparently what you classify with as ignorance.

You really should stop commenting on matters you don’t understand and don’t have the qualifications to direct people on.

You should also stop spreading lies and misinformation and stop misrepresenting posters who advise that pregnant women should follow medical advice from their medical professional and directives from the WHO rather that liars like you on the internet.

You didn’t know pregnant ladies had regular check ups added to your ignorance on the existence of a flu jab, your inability to grasp the basics of a simple online application form, the inability to understand ‘breakthrough’ infections etc etc… you’ve had an awful Covid.

Anti vaxxers hate being called anti vaxxers guys, they like to be called ‘critical thinkers’

Be nice,


The only person here lying is you. I don’t proclaim to speak for all pregnant women, I could not possibly know that and neither could you so you’ve outed yourself once again as a pedaler of misinformation and misrepresentation.

I think pregnant women should follow their doctor’s advice on the matter, you think they should do what a liar and fantasist like you demands they do.

You’re unable to frame a coherent argument which is why you solely deal in lies and twisted versions of events.

Oh look it’s the snowflake teacher who consistently plays the victim on here trying to gaslight the middle grounders who think people should have individual choices respected whatever decision they come to.

The obsession you have with @The_Most_Infamous on here is embarrassing and unhealthy.


It’s more disturbing that a teacher thinks critical thinking is unwelcome.



Critical thinking :rofl:

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By all means if anyone wants to get vaccinated they should. I also believe if people don’t want to get vaccinated their choice should be respected.

Mandating medical procedures is not a good road for society to go down. Its frankly a very dangerous precedent to set.

I know you hate to express an opinion but why don’t you take a shot at the question I posed a few posts above. Don’t worry about writing a 3,000 word post, a simple yes or no to the logic of vaccines mandates would suffice.

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Lot of events been cancelled. Does not look good. I would imagine pubs will go in next week.

Apparently that makes you anti-vax according to the vaccine fascists.

I don’t read any of your ‘intellectual’ posts,
I’m not that smart and I’m not stupid enough to start a debate with you, the very definition of pointless,

Sorry for causing you disturbance, that must be rough

That is crazy. The 24/7 propaganda and hysteria across RTE and the papers etc has done some job.

I wouldnt mind but the vaccines are clearly not the silver bullet that they were supposed to be either.

Its madness.

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Those figures are wrong.

John Burn-Murdoch explained why weeks ago.

Try and keep up rather than quoting far right US culture war talking points.