Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

It’s not an intellectual post. Just look at the graph if words bother you. There’s no need for debate, do you think, given the actual data, vaccine mandates are justified or not?

They are actually proven to be pretty ineffective at quelling transmission so effectively have no purpose in the non-vulnerable category, the category that the vaccine fascists seem determined to coerce into taking one.

It’s almost like they realise now they were duped, see the canny operators smirking away with that “told you so look” and have have flipped their shit and now want all the canny operators to take the shit vaccine that they don’t know what side effects could be associated in the future, because they did.

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Your graph is wrong.

It is fake news.

You know who else used the term fake news.


Sidney is Trumpian.

Everybody is talking about Covid.

a mass for deceased members was CANCELLED last night
BUT - tonight’s U7 game in Cavan is ON!!! …christ i was really hoping COVID would come good here and get me off the hook on this one but alas…up the n3 we go at 5pm


A few nights ago I invited you have a look at the respective numbers of deaths lately in 29% vaccinated Romania and 75.9% vaccinated Ireland.

And then come back and tell me whether the vaccines work.

Looks like you didn’t do that.

There is an element of that mate. As funny as it sounds. Oh we wore the green jersey why can’t the “awkward squad” do the same etc

I don’t believe the risk outweighs the return for me. The vaccines efficacy also wane within a couple of months. I’ve noticed they’ve even stopped using “breakthrough cases” now as a term.

And to be honest the carrot and stick approach from the Irish government has strengtened my resolve even further. I’m not giving into to that coercion. They can go fuck themselves.

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I will take a look at Romanias numbers mate. Havent got around to it yet.

Since October 9th their seven day moving average has never been less than 250 deaths a day and topped out at 598 deaths in a day.

Population is 19 million.

The equivalent figures for Ireland would be a minimum of 60 deaths per day for the last six weeks, rising to 150.

Vaccines work. There is no debate.

I see the staff were masked. Sure Reid and Co are probably immune from Covid.

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The clatter of laymen that make up this forum is very fortunate to have someone willing and qualified to read and interpret the data, consistently, and relentlessly…even if it does drive a few lads to distraction


Is chump making an announcement on the six one tonight? I want a good shout at the telly

It’s those double vaxxed bastards who won’t show up for their booster shot that’s driving the pandemic.


I’ve not screeched for everyone to get vaccinated mate, so you can retract the fascist part…that’s just Bandage, not me. I personally don’t care what people choose and I realize vaccines are far from perfect, I’ve stated that repeatedly… It’s the lads here typing utter anti vaxx garbage while sat at home with a pot on their head I take umbrage with… Nearly two years of e-screaming - Bill Gates, auld flu, vaccines are not safe, cattle wormer, new world order etc. etc… It’s fascinating to watch.

In saying all that. The dirty smelly unvaxxed shouldn’t be allowed into any public space. Not because of the vaccine… because they’re of very low intelligence and have bad hygiene + small mickeys according Dr B Al Hopper.

Have you looked at total deaths in 2020 vs the previous five years in Romania? From a quick look on worldometer the total deaths look to be broadly in line.

In fairness this autumn looks to be the real peak in infections and deaths there. But I’d be interested to get your view in 2020’s numbers.

Thankfully acording to Reuters below the 7 day average case number is now 127 per 100k. We are still above 500 per 100k still are we?

I’m only scratching the surface on this as there are a number of different metrics to weigh up as you know. I do think looking at total deaths and comparing them to previous years is a useful starting point though.

Adding in Ireland now to compare

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“I’m not screeching for everyone to get vaccinated, but the unvaccinated need to be banned from public places”. That’s not at all fascist.

Yeah but not for vaccine reasons so it’s ok.

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It’s a pandemic of the unboosted

And is there a difference in mortality rates between vaxxed and unvaxxed?