Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

75% of recent deaths in the north have been fully vaccinated people.

67% of population are fully vaccinated.

Thatā€™s not what I asked. If for example, there were 100 cases of C-19 in the vaccinated cohort and 100 cases in the unvaccinated, how many fatalities have there been in each group? Is that data available anywhere?

630 cases in Ireland per 100k in the last 7 days. 127 cases in Romania per 100k in the last 7 days.

Somethings not adding up there @Cheasty straight away.

Even if we take your number of fully vaccinated in Ireland as being 75%.

Romanias death rate per 100k is broadly in line at 13.2 per 100k population.

Every country has gone through multiple peaks and troughs with Covid. The zealots jump on the country (or US state) that is having a surge and use it to argue their right wing blah blah blah argument. When the surge is in a highly vaccinated predominantly left wing location (like Vermont or Maine in the US now) they ignore that and move on to Mongolia or wherever a surge is happening that meets their narrative.


Thereā€™s a stark difference between the vitamin d deficient and the vitamin d sufficient(?)

If it was called a ā€œdrugā€ or a ā€œmedicineā€, it would have had a fundamentally different set of safety tests to go through before being declared fit for market. The reclassification of vaccines from medicines to biologics happened in the 1980s when pharmaceutical companies lobbied the Reagan White House and the Democratic House of Reps because the vaccine damage payouts were making their products unmarketable.

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Yes of course, people in the unvaccinated cohort are more prone to serious illness and death, especially as you go up in age. Largely because some are more vulnerable than they think. I am not arguing against vaccination, but itā€™s unrealistic to believe mass vaccination will stop the spread of Covid.

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Its difficult to get a hold of death nunbers here since the HSE was cyber attacked earlier in the year.

Announced weekly on a Wednesday just since then.

I just gave you statistics that the vaccinated deaths outweigh the % of population that are vaccinated.

I thought that might challenge your position but it seems you wish to ignore the fact that vaccinated are dying at a higher rate from Coivd than the vaccinated population.

Thatā€™s because those who are most vulnerable to Covid (the elderly and immunocompromised) are sadly also the ones who the vaccine helps least. Roughly 50% of immunocompromised people form no antibodies from the vaccines.

If thatā€™s the case theyā€™ve been a failure.

As I said from the outset, vaccines have been a failure.

The north is the best representative of the vaccine rollout.

July/Aug prob the time the vaccine rollout was more or less concluded - where most people had their two jabs.

Weā€™ll just use end of July as a figure.

U40 cases:


Going to go with around 85k cases, the 0-19 isnā€™t specified but looks at slightly less than half the 59k cases in the 20-39 category.


Deaths - 8

Now today, the results of everyone being fully vaccinated.

U40 - 189k cases


Deaths - 15

Itā€™s a case of negligible benefits really. The vaccine campaign has effectively resulted in the 20-39 category of going from 1 death in 9,800 to 1 death in 5,400.

Why are deaths now increasing per positive cases in the 20-39 demograph after the vaccination rollout has completed here?

The 0-19 cohort are stilll largely unvaccinated, think it was only the 16-19 group of them that were vaccinated recently. They are due to start 12-15s shortly.

The benefit of an u40 to get vaccinated is utterly negligible, those stats would say the vaccine has been a failure.

Sadly the vaccines cannot perform magic, but they have kept a lot of people mainly in the 40-70 age group from getting seriously ill and hospitalized. To deny that is essentially to deny that immunity is a thing.


Iā€™m not denying that.

My point is the vaccine is of negligible benefit to u40s. The stats Iā€™ve provided are quite telling in that regard would you agree.

The portal opened for the lower 30s at the end of April so you could say 12 weeks on from that a large proportion of that 20-39 demograph were fully vaccinated.

At that point there were 6 deaths in the 20-39 demograph from 60k cases. 3 and a bit months later, 37k cases later 7 more people in that demograph died. How could that be if the vaccines are of massive benefit to the that particular demograph?

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The great majority of people in the U40 cohort will not develop serious disease, most clear the virus within a week. But there is a subset who get very sick, for reasons that are only partially understood. So given there is a small subset of people U40 who donā€™t know they are vulnerable, itā€™s on balance a good idea to get vaccinated even if your risk is low as at least your immune system is primed should you be unlucky enough to be in that vulnerable group.

Everyone is different, even athletes. Aaron Rodgers who is 37 was unvaccinated but like most athletes cleared the virus quickly and was back training within a week. Nick Chubb is 25 and fully vaccinated, has Covid for the past two weeks, and has yet to clear the virus.


Very fair points and if you consider that the premise to vaccinate 100% of the population was to protect the vulnerable. Unfortunately the vaccines canā€™t do that.

The basic fact that the vaccines donā€™t stop transmission or provide immunity proves that along with the waning efficacy and along with 50% of the immunosupprssed not being able to create anti-biodies. We have a big problem.

According to Leo Varadker during the week - Ireland is nearly 95% fully vaccinated. Romania is 36% fully vaccinated. Yet our cases per 100k in the last 7 days are 5 times higher than Romania. (630 vs 127)

Iā€™d love if a journalist or two were asking Nphet and co these questions. How could that be the case?

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Aboy ivor

How are they getting on in Texas these days?

We do have an older society. Something like 15 % of Romanians are over 65, Ireland is around 22%.

Buddy, stop trying to be smart. Youā€™re not smart. Youā€™re down a bottomless rabbit hole and living in a world of make believe and fantasy.

And so is Labane, he always has done.

Look at the figures. Get vaccinated.

The vaccines work.

The catastrophes in Romania and Hungary and Russia and Florida are what happens when people go down a rabbit hole.