Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Ireland has one of the youngest populations in Europe, 13% are over 65. A lot of the older generation emigrated.

We are not allowed to talk about Texas, UK or Sweden in this country.

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Claire Byrne and all those apes in july branding Boris a disgrace for fully opening in July, who is laughing now?


Or covid killed them?

I would imagine a good few of the deaths in the UK and the US to a lesser extent were Irish born.

My 15 year old was just refused service in Starbucks because she only had a photograph on her phone of her passport.

Jaysus she’s bucking, I went in to pick her up

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How did this only get 2 likes?

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I think I was the first person on here to say explicitly – and god knows you do not have to be a genius to grasp this basic truth – infection rate rather than serious illness/death rate remains the crux. 18 months later, we still have people who cannot grasp, whether through ideological obduracy or sheer stupidity or a personality disorder, this truth.

Various issues around this pandemic remain torturously complex. I find it hard to see, for instance, how we could justify compulsory vaccination for children of a school-going age. Meaning: how do we allow for children’s right to be educated in this context? But what mechanisms would allow for a parent’s right not to have their child vaccinated? I might entirely disagree with this decision but the parent is surely entitled, in principle, to make that decision. I have no easy answer.

Which or whether, the bottom line remains infection rate. There is no such state as ‘herd immunity’ or ‘natural immunity’. The ‘Mad Max’ merchants – translation: ‘Let everyone get the virus’ – are both practically and morally bankrupt. The last 18 months have been fascinating and terrifying in many ways but perhaps the most fascinating aspect has been witnessing how many people were out there, all along, in search of a personality alibi. Right wing people – as opposed to conservative people – are generally just childish boring stupid unpleasant immature people in search of an alibi for those traits. Throw in the tin foil hat brigade and the whole shebang rises all but covered.

The last 18 months has been a none too pretty clarification in this regard. Some of us, pragmatic people not blinkered by ideology left or right, could see various truths from the start.

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Well, if you dance with the devil…

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My youngest was the same a few weeks ago
they are very strict on it

Good to see you back. There a few important vitamin d developments on the ivermectin vitamin d thread. Even the usually obtusely uneducationable @TheBlackSpot has jumped onboard

Fuck off you slandering bastard. I should sue you for that but you’re nothing but a man of straw.

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think of the lives they’ve saved by denying a handful of kids their mochatinos. That’s science baby. Science

Are you all hooked up now? I would if I were you…it makes the vaccine quite effective apparently, according to the video

what video?

I have no more to say.

But: there is something to be said for vitamin d, which I take every day. There is nothing to be said for ivermectin.

You’re a smart guy, it’s baffling why you still feel the need to repeat this utter nonsense.

You were born with natural immunity, thanks to your mother. You would have died long ago from some infectious disease were it not for natural immunity. Herd immunity is one of the most well established concepts in immunology. The fact it may not be achievable with Covid is specifically because immunity whether from vaccination or infection does not last.

You’re welcome.


For fucks sake. We don’t live in a normal country. We’re afraid of our shite of “authority”

is it fair to say that this truly is now " the pandemic of the unvaccinated"?

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Thought it was absolute comedy gold myself …

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