Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Allied to a bit of cop on etc

That’s OK, I just linked to a video by Dr John Campbell where he reviews a recent high calibre vitamin d study…he/it stresses the importance of vitamin k2 in aiding absorption of d3, avoiding the calcification of blood vessels etc. He also discusses ideal dosage and how important d3 is in aiding the new injectables …I think its worth considering




that’s a fine post, lovely cut tho it altogether

He’d be a great lad to sell formula milk.

Rotterdam may well be the spark.

Cops put the facists in their place

these guys are invariably right wing facistic types

gangs of soccer hooligans were involved in the rioting.”

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Have you gone mad or are you having a Lord Widgery moment?

I been mad for a long time bro

…and the Lord widgery moment?

renowned headcase him surely

Some fella standing on the pavement and is gunned down by police? The media utter some nonsense about soccer hooligans? You’re glad to see the police put the fascist in his place?
Is he a fascist or a football hooligan?

bit weird tho. your buddies are defending a guy who took a rifle to an anti racist protest to “defend property” and killed 2 guys he thought might be violent but the cops in the Netherlands - not the most “police state” in the world - are wrong for defending themselves when people riot?


football hooligans are generally fascists mate. you know this.

I’ve no idea what my buddies are doing, but that’s a different thread.

“He thought might be violent” :rofl:

Yeah, nothing violent about the mob that were chasing him, all good guys. Rosenbaum the child rapist was a fine upstanding citizen. Nothing violent about the other lad pointing a gun at his head?

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indeed. but on that thread a guy with a rifle marauds around and kills 2 guys and is innocent. Who knows what the interpretation of your video might be.

Fuck off. There is actually nobody on this forum I despise more than you. Fuck off.


Go to bed you clown.

C’mon barstool. Tell us about your fight for Irish freedom, you complete knobjockey.