Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Best to just take the placebo so?

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You would hope it would help the most vulnerable, sadly it doesnā€™t look like any of those got the vaccine or the placebo. But the CDC are convinced, thatā€™s all that matters.

Itā€™s actually surreal. Iā€™m not dismissing the notion of mrna treatments, sometimes I even find the endless media propaganda vaguely disconcerting, but I think Iā€™ll just stick with dandering a few miles a day, earing well, taking supplements and keeping a hape of ivermectin on hand in case of emergencies.
Those Tyrone lads have put a marvellous spring in the step of a nation, once again

How come it seems all the lads who are against taking the vaccines eat so well and exercise the whole time? Youā€™d imagine a few of them would be fat cunts who ayt chipper a few nights a week by the law of averages.

Critical thinkers dont eat in chippers pal

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Itā€™s fascinating to watch the outpouring of glee on Twitter. Would they not stop to think if you were to conduct a clinical trial on the efficacy of a vaccine against a serious disease, you would enroll those that were most vulnerable to the disease in the trial. Would you not load up with participants like the elderly and those with serious health issues, you know the people most likely to die of Covid? I suppose though thatā€™s not what youā€™d do if you were primarily interested in selling the maximum number of vaccine doses.


I donā€™t know. If theyā€™d started out buy showing that age and co-morbidities were critical factors, and then demonstrated the effectiveness of the treatments for these groups?
Itā€™s fascinating to watch alright, its some study of human nature, if anyone wants to sit back and observe.

By September, the data from Israel was clear that immunity from this shit vaccine drops off a cliff after 6 months.

Fucking Holahan and that useless cunt Nolan, and that spacer Karina whatever her fucking name is, and our ineffectual supposedly elected leaders who handed control of our country over to them, sat on their holes and now are giving us a two weeks ultimation to clean up their mess.

Cunts, fucking cunts.


It does seem quite the double standard. Itā€™s almost like they just defend fascists as a reflex.

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Theyā€™re going against Tony

Surely one of the most on-point posts on this thread.

Itā€™s mad really itā€™s definitely the first big crisis or issue where the authorities have tried to pin the blame firmly on the public at every stage. Youā€™d hear the odd bit when it comes to the likes of the housing crisis, homelessness, recession even the environment. Criticism is usually for the system. But never this much blame or pressure on normal people it would usually be political suicide.

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Most people are so brainwashed and ideologically driven that theyā€™d react with with fury towards any politician who said anything sensible. The people get the politicians they deserve. (Not me obviously. I deserve better)

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Hereā€™s a random moan-

Last year I was breaking lockdown every single day as a rule. I managed to not miss a day of breaking the lockdown all year and I was satisfied with that performance.

I have my own apartment in Dublin city centre. I worked hard to be independent. My elderly parents live back in Monaghan. My da has underlying conditions. I didnt see him all through the middle of the year. When I finally went home for Christmas I self-isolated for a week first. That was the lifestyle I wanted to live. Iā€™ve lived abroad for extended periods of time previously, sacrificing being with my family but doing what I want to do. I had cunts in the media telling me to move home and join into a type of domesticity that I just didnā€™t want. The lifestyle I wanted was criminalised, I was being shuffled into a lifestyle I didnā€™t want and told that it was good for me. But it wasnā€™t good for me, it was a lifestyle that could easily kill my father if I moved home and got infected.

And all these fucking lovers who didnā€™t work as hard as I had, living with their parents in their 30s or even 40s, fucking pathetic man-children, trying to drag me down to their level because they hadnā€™t put in the work that I had. And now even though I had put in the work Iā€™m expected to live the same shitty failed lifestyle as them.


I had a friend through business, another Monaghan man called ā€œEā€, who was involved in compliance. Not a real friend but a fake business friend, really only interested in number 1, himself. Thus cunt decided to make the move from compliance to covid compliance. I had a chat with him and oh my god the bullshit. The ball is in our court. Weā€™re masters of our own destiny. The government is doing what it has to do. The government can do no wrong basically. Personal responsibility. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY TANK. OBEY THE REGULATIONS. Profiteering sellout cunt Iā€™m thinking to myself.

But I never got infected, noone in my family got infected, none of my cousins got infected and none of my close friends got infected except for 2 who were backpacking in South America. And this is me breaking lockdown every single day all year.

So Christmas comes round and this stupid fucking retard E, clearly just goes mad. Last I heard of him he got infected over Christmas, his entire family git infected and 20+ of his cousins got infected. This is the fucker lecturing me about personal responsibility. So who the fuck is the one exercising personal responsibility?

Iā€™ll never talk to the cunt again, fuck him.

Angry moan over, longer than I was expecting, apologies.


Last night I slept with a beautiful looking girl, a lovely person, who told me half way through it that she hasnā€™t had sex in 6 years. Not what I was expecting. I dont know where it will go but Iā€™d say I might have a friend for life there. A very very nice person, a Monaghan girl.


Good for you mate. I hope she has a good reason for that otherwise Iā€™d be a bit worried about her.

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Cillian De Gascun paraphrasing Lady Di on the radio now
Weā€™re fucked

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A born again virgin

thatā€™s a fine post.
you seem to be a very decent man who is very much aware of the world around you and has your priorities right. the best of luck in everything you do


@Tank is sound