Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Right back at you buddy

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I think it’s a very endearing sign of a women. It says that she is a woman of values, sincerity and good rearing. She sounds like a lovely young lady and I’m sure she regrets sleeping with @tank.

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A lovely little turn of phrase from a bean counter. I’m sure sincere words like that would be deeply consoling to the families.


Haha. Spare me the faux offence on behalf of grieving families. More than a bit disingenuous coming from a let it rip, anti-vaxx, loonball.


@bandage mate,

I’d say in your subconcious somewhere you’re thinking. Fuck it, maybe I got this wrong and I was a cowardice cunt.

RTE hypnotized me via Clare Byrnes lovely dresses etc and I can’t be proved wrong now that I’m running unrale 10km times.

It is fascinating to watch.

Anti-vaxx, anti-vaxx, anti-vaxx :grinning:

More like bend over to FFG and Nphet and take your booster :grinning:


Ah now. @Bandage is just on a bit of a wind-up. He just needs to introduce a little subtly to his efforts and he’ll be good to go.

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A quick look at the Twitter account you link shows “Paddy” is quite the fan of Charles Haughey (“I’d have him back in a heartbeat”) and retweets some of the usual right wing shysters like Declan Ganley, Chay Bowes, and Murdoch’s Talk Radio.

Quite the man to talk about “accountability”.

Are you going to argue any of the facts that our health service is in a dire state from mismanagement, overspending and being full of useless admin? It wasn’t fit for purpose pre covid and we all know the impact covid has and needs in healthcare settings


Our health service is the way it is because of decades of policy decisions going back to 1950.

It isn’t the way it is because of overspending. In terms of GDP we spend one the lowest percentages in Europe.

It’s also just that I’m ultra-suspicious of right-wing populist shysters who decide to personalise things against particular people in the public eye, and use ultra-aggressive language against them reminiscent of the worst of Trumpism.

These people have no real interest in changing anything for the better, only for the worse.

A quick look at “Paddy’s” account makes clear he is a let it rip merchant.

Nobody can or should take seriously the faux concern for the health service of a shyster who in reality wants to throw it to the wolves.

I’m not the one who’s coming across as offended here. You are. “Daniel Kinahan.” “Anti-vaxx,” “Loonball.” Was it “a baseball bat to the back of the head” you were calling for last week for anyone that didn’t agree with your brand of fascism? Stick to posting about afternoon tea and your child’s bowel movements. You’ll come across as slightly less unhinged.


Another big weekend of it lads

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I can read insidious cunts like you like a book. You’re the worst type of dangerous fucker, pushing the buttons of the simpletons on here. In fairness, TFK is better for folk sharing personal anecdotes. Much more than anti-vaxx headbangers like you peddling misinformation and throwing out scientific terms every few paragraphs to feign some deep knowledge anyway. I certainly have your cards marked. Much as you’ve tried to hide in the shadows and direct your gullible foot soldiers, you’ve been drawn out now.

PS, what have anti-vaxx freakshows got against afternoon tea? Are the big hotels and government controlling us via fluoride in the water?

Good man :rofl:

Probably not the best time to ssk but why am I banned from the racism/blm threads?

Not sure about the source, can one of the headbangers confirm they’re legit plsđŸ””revealed-dates-we-understand-that-are-being-discussed-to-fully-close-pubs-and-a-full-lockdown-again/

I’m sticking by my guns on this one but as I’ve said consistently full L5 with 5k rule on dec28

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hearing chatter about lockdown today even sooner than those dates, might just be chatter