Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

The Vanguard Front (Vaccine Fascists) don’t like living by the principles they espouse.


And we think vaccines, lock-downs and face-nappies are the solution. It would probably have helped if fresh air was taxable or could be traded as a commodity.

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If you have been inside a pub you are endangering other people. So I would shut the fuck up with your moralizing in that case.


Labane’s logic is very funny. He wants an end to all restrictions and then turns around and personally and piously blames and vilifies people who go to pubs and otherwise socialise - as long as they’re vaccinated, - if you’re unvaccinated and do any of that, 'tis grand.

He has been doing it since the summer when he tried to blame the UK’s case rise on “football hooligans”, ie. people who were attending Euros matches.

Blaming people for doing the things you want them to do is an extraordinarily bizarre logic, even for him.

Get fucked.

I have followed public health advice which allows vaccinated people to enter pubs and restaurants.

I also have absolutely no problem with them being shut tomorrow if required.

My problem is with people on here who continue to deny that there is anything wrong - no need for lockdowns or no need for vaccines. But when pushed as to what they would do in the crisis situation we are in have nothing to contribute.


It’s a bit rich for lads who want to discriminate a small group from society from doing things under the pretense of assisting public health are quite happy to then endanger public health themselves.

Woeful sense of entitlement from the vaccine fascists.

The delusion and arrogance of this post is utterly frightening.


Great to see you accepting one of ISAG’s big recommendations, a chara.

Has any research been done in to the level of immunity in the vaccine refusing cohort. I know a lad who had a bad dose of covid before the vaccine was available for his age group. He never bothered getting the vaccine once he had it as he could get the pass without it. There’s surely a big chunk of the adult nonvaccined population in a similar situation.

Since when is public health advice that you should go to the pub?

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Is that all you have petal?

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I would never be the one to throw the baby out with the bath water.

They should change the title of vaccine passport to spreader passport. A passport that allows out to go out in society and spread the virus because you helped increase the share price of big pharma.


It’s absolutely weird that the same people who claim to want no restrictions then turn around and piously vilify people for going to pubs when they are open!

What planet are these people on?!

Public health advice which turned out to be wrong. Vaccinated people thinking they cannot get infected or transmit the virus are the ones who have driven this new wave.


Most public health advisors would be looking to prevent and reduce the harms caused by alcohol. They’d want you to stay out of the pub if anything.

Labane has pivoted to LIDTF. :clap:

They would remind you of lads that think they shouldn’t shower because they bought a can of lynx.

No responsibility on the unvaccinated no?

You are wasting your time. Tony said the pubs could be opened, as long as you have a vaccine cert to gain entry. Unless…maybe it’s unvaccinated staff in the pubs that are driving the infection rates?