Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

He didn’t trust us to follow that advice without a lockdown - interesting he comes out with it now alright.

NPHET set out four scenarios - Pessimistic, Central 1, Central 2 and Optimistic. We’re currently on a trajectory between Central 1 and Central 2. So NPHET’s modelling is holding up extremely well.

Buff should stick to the cooking.

Are we really in terms of hospitalisations and ICU?

170 deaths in the UK’s latest daily figures. Cases have not collapsed as was trumpeted here and have shown signs of rising again.

Now maybe the UK will have worse figures due to their reliance on Astra Zeneca, but if vaccine immunity in general wanes, we’ll have an increasing problem too, especially with winter on the horizon.

And this will be a very sticky problem, gan dabht.

Are we genuinely well worse than nphets optimistic modelling though? What were those 4 different predictions for this stage worst case central etc

They’re publicly available.

Ah ffs put them up sure you were the one who brought them up. I’m not arguing with you here I just have a passing interest in seeing who gets proved right or wrong on the internet.

Everybody’s right and everybody’s wrong on the internet.

I’m on a phone so I won’t.

We have 248 in hospital and 48 in ICU. No sure on deaths. Numbers seem
better than their optimistic numbers and way better than Central 1 or Central 2. Pessimistic which assumed higher social mixing is out a bit.


So cheasty was wrong ? Or is the August figures for end of August ?

I’d say if he was right he’d have been quick enough to post the models.


Yes I was wrong. We’re actually on a Central 1 trajectory, rather than the more cheerful and optimistic between Central 1 and Central 2 trajectory I stated earlier.

Sorry, got that arseways! Central 1 is the more optimistic centrality.

So I was too pessimistic.

For now. For now.

Schools are back next week.

Hon Holohan, setting the groundwork for a 6 month lockdown, make the most of the pubs lads, ye have around 4 weeks of freedom left

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@backinatracksuit’s €500 will be sweating…


By hook or by crook!

At yeah, but sure I love lockdowns, being paid to sit on my hole all day and no fear of my job etc etc, that’s what I’m told anyway

The 500 will be well worth it


We have all been taken fir mugs here. @Thomas_Brady called it months ago

The lads like @the_man_himself and @glasagusban have made right tits of themselves over the past few weeks.

Here @glasagusban has been right about the fact actually achieved vaccination targets that no one expected can’t really call him out on our esteemed leaders sending us back to lockdowns.