Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Do you wear a seatbelt when you’re driving?

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Wearing a mask is to protect other people moreso than yourself so his first point is nonsense

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Always mate.

do you still buy that auld guff?

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Masks are a cod unless you’re using a N95 and changing it every two hours mate.


97% of hospitalisations in the states are non vaxxed…

That’s a different point to the one he’s making

My point is correct though.

I agree with his sentiment though still.

once you are doubled jabbed with a rolls Royce vaccine like AZ spaced at 12 weeks, you can forget about covid


I don’t think the chap in that tweet is making any point at all exceptHe wants to behave as an individual during a time when we need to do what’s right for humanity… But when he or his kids get sick…then he’ll want the full benefits of a society and all it has to offer.

This winter will be the acid test.

I’ve taken a rake of acid, be grand.

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You’ll do what you’re told anyway, like a nodding donkey

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And what will you do, whinge on the internet :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Whole thing is crazy. Every day the goal posts are moving.

We’re at 70% plus fully vaxxed which all along would have triggered herd immunity…ie a return to normal

No one has died from Covid in any material number during July - just as well the cyber attack was there to stop them from the giving death numbers.

It continues to be the greatest cod of all time.

I’m not sure someone who refuses to get a vaccine can complain about us not getting herd immunity


I’d rather get Covid and gain longterm natural immunity to be honest mate. You’ll be getting your third jab soon.

Make informed decisions.

Why? Did you take a vaccine you believe to be completely worthless for the sake of it?

You must be thick as fuck :joy:

Clear from the above. These vaccines may only be effective for 5 or 6 months. Its not ideal.

If I was a betting man id say the human immune system would do a far better job for people certainly under 40.