Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)


How’s he doing? Is he out?

That’s the rumour I’ve heard. I obviously can’t confirm it’s that particular player but that was the name going round.

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You were being lined up for a John Small style shoulder there with that line of questioning but you handled it with aplomb

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“Why get vaccinated when you can wear a mask and live a constrained life?”

Why get a vaccine when you still need a permission slip to sit at a table that you can’t leave without putting on a face nappy?


Yeah I’d agree.

Though it has nothing to do with what I posted.

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What is the endgame with this? If the vaccine isn’t enough to reopen, and boosters arent, what is?

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Defeat all death but sit at home forever.

As long as those living in developing countries can keep making the goods we need and migrants are happy enough to deliver them, it’s a win win.


As long as tenured academics are looked after by the revenue brought in by the multinationals they hate it’s all good.


More boosters and more boosters again after that, mate.

What the people want - they’ll get.

Protocols. When we have enough protocols in place to make the old normal safe, then we can go back to the old normal.

Just enjoyed a lovely meal there indoors. Thank god for vaccination cards

Protocols are the opposite of old normal.

Just get double vaccinated and stay in your home forever.


Its some joke.

Can see from Israel now that a 3rd booster will be offered/required here soon.

The terms with regards to being “fully vaccinated” will change again shortly.


Goal posts moved again

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It won’t end until people say enough is enough by turning their back on the propaganda and fear, mate.

Elderly and vulnerable people are going to sadly die this winter as they do every winter. Hospitals will be overwhelmed. The regional has been overwhelmed for the last 30 years sure.