Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Israel went in balls deep on that 2nd rate Pfizer muck, now they are paying the price


Sure look it. We might get promised a meaningful Christmas

They can fuck off with that shite.

I’ll never show papers to go into any pub or restaurant. No way.


We are day 48 of the 91 day NPHET forecast and have recorded 74 deaths, estimates to end of September

Optimistic - 335
Central 1 - 550
Central 2 - 1,150
Pessimistic - 1,760

If current trend continues we will be 140-150 on day 91 - under 50% of optimistic


I built better models with AirFix in the 80s and I was shit at them


The caveat to that is the lag in reporting deaths. Tony has a few more in his back pocket to add on after the fact.

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Tony needs another cyber attack to cover his bullshit up.

A father and 4 youngsters turned away from the restaurant I was eating in earlier, no covid cert. Fierce sad, it nearly put me off my fillet steak but I kept going manfully.


Just 2 more boosters to flatten the curve

Next two boosters are critical


Was he at least allowed in to pay for his petrol?



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What sort of restaurants do you eat at :rofl:

Happy to give that the key 10th like.

Lovely hurling. :joy:

just on this
i havent read the article now and yeah obviously these nonsense vaccines have a pretty short half life but important to note id say in israel you’ll have a very high ( id need to quantify) unvaccinated population that may drive this - haredim and arabs by and large wont take a vaccine, the former dont believe there is a virus and the latter simply dont give a shit

also - look we were thru this
the whole vaccine drive in israel was a stunt pulled by Netanyahu to get re elected- that didnt work and then himself and his Hamas pals in Qatar set up a bogus war to keep them both happy, that didnt work either

Give the article a read, mate.

It suggests hospitalations are higher amongst the vaccinated their now.

We knew this anyway as Pfizer in fairness to them never claimed that their medical product would prevent transmission or provide immunity.

There does seem to be a situation in Israel now though where after 6 months - you need that booster jab. None of which is fully approved. EUA is in place till 2023 for the first generation jabs.

They’re ahead of the curve and worth watching.

We will follow suit.

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yeah the in laws got the Pfizer booster all right.
its reckless stuff IMHO, like lads in their 60s on 40 a day like himself , I mean grand give vaccines to lads like that but at this rate would you be confident in taking one of these yokes…especially if your health won’t be remotely impacted by this nonsense?

I’m out tbh, I got x2 of the AZ, that felt like a good proper honest to God vaccine, some virus from a chimpanzee apparently, I only got it because I had to travel, but fuck I’m not getting any more of these


Pfizer is dodgy gear

When you sit very still you can actually feel the Pfizer wearing off.