Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

All of Europe has an open border with each country nextdoor. If your reasoning held up they’d all be red. They aren’t and it doesn’t.

You haven’t answered the question.

Instead you ludicrously paint MHQ, one measure among many that should be implemented - because you need a multi-pronged approach - as the reason Ireland has a high case number at the moment.

A case number you don’t see as a problem, incidentally. But it is a problem.

No I didn’t. Why do you keep making up things that I say? It’s bizarre. That’s one of your biggest and stupidest exaggerations yet. Why can’t you debate what I’ve said instead of the the things you’ve made up that I’ve said?

I said it was pointless from the beginning. I’ve been proved right and you’ve been proved wrong. It’s an embarrassment.

So now you admit that MHQ has not contributed to a single case.


But the lack of universal MHQ has certainly contributed to increased spread.

Norway and Denmark both shut their borders by the way.

Your question “why has Ireland, which did something I don’t like, now got high case figures” is very tabloid. And you want a tabloid answer.

If you’re that interested, why don’t you have a go at writing 800 or 1000 words on the subject, because to address the subject properly would require that amount of words at a minimum. Covering all but not limited to the following: lack of universal MHQ, an open border with the UK, lack of mass testing, lack of masking in schools, employers taking liberties with demands on workers, a detailed analysis of living arrangements and age breakdowns in particular areas throughout the country, the general Irish dislike of rules, and the extreme virulence of Delta itself.

What? This is just a stupid and bizarre claim. Why do you go on with this shite?

I won’t bother reading the rest of it. Go back to exchanging long repetitive diatribes at labane.

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How many cases has MHQ contributed to?

If MHQ was universal rather than cherry picked - would it have helped further to prevent cases in Ireland?

As I understand it the argument isn’t that MHQ “contributes to cases”, it’s that it doesn’t prevent them. Not to be nasty but you’re acting a bit oddly this morning, it might be a good day for a digital detox.

Maybe for me also

More gibberish. It’s like you can’t even understand basic sentences any more.

From the BBC!
Chris Whitty: “The penny must has dropped and the government are desperately looking for an exit strategy”


It’s been fascinating to see your unravelling into a full blown troll during this pandemic.

That would be the argument of an idiot.

If you point that Sid has made things up you’re a troll now. I guess I should just leave you writing big long repetitive diatribes against things I didn’t say?

Not one more drop of that vaccine shit is going into me, the whole thing a total farce


You’ve been making it up as been going along the whole time during this pandemic.

You’ve said so much nonsense that you don’t even know what you did or did say. And then when you’re called out on it your modus operandi is to troll.

Absolutely clueless.

Sure mate.


Still parroting that zero covid “won the argument”?

Of course they won the argument. Covid was allowed spread widely and predictably has mutated into ultra virulent forms, and will likely mutate into even more virulent forms. There’s a good chance we haven’t seen half of what this pandemic will throw at us yet.

And the world will be living with the consequences for many years, decades perhaps.

Lads here can stick their fingers in their ears and whistle away to themselves all they want, but cold, hard reality doesn’t care about that.

Would any of the zero-COVID advice have stopped that? Once the virus left China and went to poorer nations (where you cant WFH and order Deliveroo), was that not an inevitability?

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Your argument is that as soon as the virus escaped China, everybody should basically have given up.

We are where we are now because of that, because of trying to “live with it”.

Those who went for suppression escaped mass death. Those who didn’t, didn’t.