Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

It’s very simple. If you’re against masks in schools, you’re for cases heading up in to the several thousand.

Which will likely result in increased restrictions, if not full lockdown.

It means you’re basically a fucking idiot.

You also ridiculed the notion that Delta was going to cause problems.

Find that post for me and bump it. I did ridicule our response mind.

Im happy for masks in post primary and older groups in primary. I think masks may impede learning in younger kids but that is just a personal opinion.


Most vaccinated people entering ICU have impaired immune systems, says senior doctor (via @IrishTimes)

He actually uses the phrase “vast majority”

From what age?

Sounds like our public health experts are right wing nut jobs as it’s their recommendation not to:

Department of Education reopening guidance sent to all schools on Wednesday evening states that mandatory face mask rules in these settings are challenging and may cause undue stress for very young children.

As a result, it says they are not recommended at primary level or in pre-schools. However, they are advised at second level unless there is a good reason not to do so.

This guidance is based on a review conducted by public health experts at the Health Protection Surveillance Centre.

By contrast, academics who are part of the Independent Scientific Advocacy Group say primary schoolchildren should wear masks given that high case numbers are concentrated among unvaccinated younger people.


Most defo fagan O’Dawg

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You were consistently cavalier about Delta before performing a volte face sometime in June, although you still wanted indoor pubs open on July 5th.

I was talking about Delta as a serious threat four months ago.

However when I suggested this on June 29th;

Your reaction was this:

We got to well over 900 cases a day before we opened indoor pubs. We’re at 2k cases a day now, the North has 2,397 cases in its latest daily figures which I believe is the highest per capita in the world at the moment, and the schools are about to open.

4k cases a day within the near future is very realistic, probably likely. And it could get much worse than that.

May as well be counting farts at this stage

Unless they mandate N95 masks that are disposed and replaced after each wear them mandatory mask wearing is simply optics.

Dirty ten cent masks stuffed in pockets and taken on and off repeatedly being sold as some form of infection prevention measure and people nod along.


If he left out vaccinated there then he’d probably be right too.

Masks for kids were introduced against all logic, as if it was no imposition and just not a big deal… the sensitivities of some imaginaryteachers were used as an excuse if anyone got cornered by common sense. Now you’ve a few sickos still pretending they’re useful and a lot of cowards who won’t speak up.


Anyone who wants to mandate a mask for a child should wear one themselves constantly. I wear one at work for hours on end. I wouldn’t ask it of a child


That must have killed 30 minutes for you :smiley:

Way to conflate a load of different things by the way.

I called out MHQ system as pointless nonsense from the start. You said it was better than nothing. It was supposed to keep out VARIANTS. I said it wouldn’t and it didn’t. Guess what, I was correct and you were wrong. And we’re still keeping it up, a racist and pointless embarrassment to the country.

I was also correct that our more restrictive travel regime was stupid and pointless. Look where we are now, countries that have taken a sensible approach to travel are coloured green or orange on the map. Shouldn’t they all be red long before now?

Why is it that countries that have taken the approach I advocated for on travel have fewer cases than we do? You and NPHET said travel would undo all our good work. But countries that have had taken a grown up approach to facilitating travel months before Ireland did now have a better profile.

Why is it that countries that use antigen testing have fewer cases than we do? You and NPHET said antigen testing would undo all our good work.

Why is it that countries that have fewer restrictions have fewer cases than we do? You and NPHET said relaxing restrictions would undo all our good work.

And excuse me if if find your assessment of the optimism levels of NPHET forecasting funny. I still do.


You have continually advocated against the fewest amount of cases possible and tried to personally vilify anybody that does.

And you do NOT advocate for what Norway, Finland and Denmark do.

You advocate something which is much closer to what the UK are doing. Yu always have. You have denied for more than a year that travel is a major factor in spread.

I’m more than open to Antigen testing. If done right.

Which means minimum 500 approved testing locations in the country, and at least 500k tests per day. And NOT self testing.

And that this continues for the foreseeable future, well past the scheduled conclusion of the vaccination programme.

I didn’t say anything about the “optimism levels” of NPHET modelling (not forecasting). I simply gave my own assessment on June 29th that if indoor pubs were opened on July 5th, as you demanded, that 900 daily cases would be very optimistic indeed, as in fantastical. You poo pooed that.

But I was proven comprehensively correct. Cases rocketed well past 900 a day before indoor pubs opened.

Yesterday I stated that the Republic sharing an open land border with Northern Ireland was a major contributory factor to virus spread in the Republic. This will continue to be a major problem as long as the UK is doing what it is doing.

You refuse to acknowledge this basic fact. Instead you try to claim that this basic fact is “racist”. It would be funny if it weren’t so pathetic.

You were NOT correct on MHQ. You were categorically wrong. Ideology like yours has and will continue to prolong and make worse this pandemic.

Get vaccinated.

Stop making up things that I’ve said. It’s sad.

You’ve been wrong on MHQ, wrong on facilitating travel safely and wrong on antigen testing. Why do countries that have done the things you’ve advocated against have better covid profiles and at lower vaccination rates?

If you were right on MHQ, antigen and travel they should all be red, surely.

The proof is in the results, have a look at the European map and see for yourself the countries that are doing better.

You can also see that Ireland is having worse results despite having more restrictions and higher vaccination levels.


Do you admit that having an open border to the UK is a significant problem in terms of Covid spread in the Republic?

Or do you not?