Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Are you going to answer the question?

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I did answer it. Epidemiological literacy could have considerably slowed this virus. At every stage.

Now it won’t be slowed down, because most of the world did what you wanted.

Zero Covid won the argument, and it won it overwhelmingly. But that’s no consolation.

You and people like you cheerled disaster. Thanks for that.

You’re not going to answer it, as usual.


Do your job, you lazy cunt.

What zero-COVID advice would have stopped new variants forming, as you stated in your answer to @glasagusban 8 posts ago?

Gerry Killeen at the airport chasing off Indians with a Hurley.


Can you tell me how many Australian, New Zealand, South Korea, Vietnam variants exist?

That’s right, they don’t exist.

They come from areas of mass spread, which you cheerled on.

Own it. You wanted it. You got it.

Can you just answer the question? You’ve been telling us about the dangers of the Delta variant for ages. It’s the one I had to get on planes and physically remove people to a hotel over while you hide at home so you can withdraw your little jibe too. How would zero-Covid advice stopped it, as you stated in your answer above?


Considering delta came from India this is probably your most stupid line of reasoning yet.

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It would have considerably slowed it down at minimum.

And it would likely never have emerged in the first place had the rest of the world been epidemiologically literate.

Sure mate, and Small’s shoulder wasn’t a red in real time :wink:

“Open the pubs!”

“we can be zero!”

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If only them Indians and Brazilians were brave enough to WFH and order McDonalds from Deliveroo like the heroes here.


If only they had a neuroscientist, an architect, a geography teacher and a Human Rights lawyer to tell the public health experts how to do their job. Trust the experts indeed.

This forum has literally been telling the public health experts they know nothing for the last year.

If public health experts had had their way, we would have been in something very close to a Zero Covid regime.

But governance in a pandemic is not handed over to public health experts. And more’s the pity.

NPHET roundly rejected Zero Covid, so they did


Didn’t the WHO reject it too? Would them and NPHET be expert enough I wonder?


The lads who said no need to stop travel or wear masks and now in a 80 per cent vaccinated population say we need to wear a rag and ok to reuse it

It should be N95 masks or nothing.


No only the zero-COVID lads are experts.