Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)


Oldie but a goldie


Insight into the minds of some of them



That’s what you’re up against

Is she Irish?
Posting random tweets from headbangers isn’t much good

Dear lord

The mask expert speaks. Stunning expertise on this forum, there really is.

She is a prominent Covid voice in the US. She also said this during the week in the New York Times.

It’s about all Dimmy has left.

Dimmy is the same guy who trusted Ivor Cummins and Graham Neary as “experts” on the pandemic. :grin:

Dimmy also supported Trump, who had heavy support from home schoolers.

You still trust Tomas Ryan mate, you’re hardly one to talk.

Ryan has got it largely spot on during the pandemic. You’d do well to listen to him, instead of that gobshite Mark Paul, who you have taken the majority of your views from.

Ryan continually said that vaccines on their own would not solve the problem, another view that was roundly poo pooed here.

Yet again he’s been proven right.

You conveniently left out this.

I suppose it doesn’t help to have context when you operate in the manner of a red top tabloid.

To have a problem with the below view, you would have to have a problem with any shutdowns of schools over the last 18 months, even at the absolute peaks of the pandemic.

A view which would be pretty out there, even by your standards.

Ryan wanted to move Christmas to February. He’s bananas. And his views have been rejected by both NPHET and the WHO. That’s not comprehensively winning the argument by the way, it’s a big L.

Paul was the first commentator I saw to call for for Patrick’s Day to be cancelled. He was quite correct. I doubt anyone has gotten everything right but I think he’s quite a good commentator in general, I generally don’t agree with everything anyone says, except Vincent Browne maybe.


Christmas last year was a disaster. And it’s not as if there were no warning signs from elsewhere. It was writ large beforehand that it would be a disaster. There’s no point engaging with anybody who can’t see that.

Ryan destroyed Paul on an episode of The Stand with Eamon Dunphy last September. It’s quite embarrassing to listen back to as far Paul’s contributions are concerned.

Yeah you make lots of statements about who wins arguments but you’re generally wrong, in all fairness.

Sure, Tossy.

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To think Dr Martin Feeley had to leave the stage for twerps like ryan.