Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

I want to get my 3-year old and 1-year old vaccinated but you must be 12 or over to register on the portal. Are any GPs or pharmacies still doing vaccine nixers?

Surely living with a vulnerable adult would get them ahead of the queue?


So fuck you Phil.

You’re welcome, kid.

You’re a disgrace (assuming you’re being serious)

Get them infected, its better than any vaccine, I’m vaccinated but doing my best to get infected again aswell, its meant to offer serious antibodies


Thought that was @Batigol job?:grinning:

Are you sure? I think it said infected and then vaccinated offered serious antibodies while doing it the other way around means you’ll die roaring?

An important distinction

Until your children have been approved to get jabbed, you should ensure your 3 year old wears a mask at all times when in any public places, both for their own safety and the safety of others. This will make you an outstanding parent.




Haven’t heard of this Balloux chap but it’s safe to surmise he’s a right wing nut job.

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“Militant corona centrist”

Just as bad really

It’s staying juicy here, Gabriel is pulling the sexism card out

Balloux hasn’t done his credibility any favours during this pandemic. He’s very prone to angry and personal rants against others in the absence of actual arguments.

One could fairly dub him Cat Balloux.

In the real world:

I think a significant rise in the case count in the Republic is not far away.

Poor old Scallywag.

All ahead of you down there.

You have my thoughts and prayers.

Balloux has a track record of aggressive sexism against female experts so it’s completely fair game for him to be called out on it.