Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

So yere brothers of a different mother so.

A bit of a Bollox maybe?

In fairness you’ve predicted 8 of the last four surges.


@bandage called this - it’s too dangerous to go back to person to person when there are runs and late lunches to be had

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That is woeful journalism. The question was whether people wanted to have in-person events now or wait until all restrictions are lifted, not whether people are nervous of in-person events. Completely disregards the possibility that people want to wait until all restrictions are lifted because something in the interim might be stilted and shite.

An amazing thing happened by the end of the match today, no one was wearing masks any more. Limerick actually beat covid, with hurling.




Nice slacks. Farah?

2nd time lucky?

Israel which had the highest numbers of people vaccinated back in March now have one of the highest infection rates in the world. Cases have doubled in the past two weeks and are now at 7500 a day, and are up 10x since June. As for the vaccines preventing serious illness, 50% of those currently hospitalized were fully vaccinated by March. Most of them are in the 60+ age bracket with comorbidities, so the same vulnerable groups as before.

It looks like vaccine immunity wears off after 6 months, at least for vulnerable groups.

Israel remains significantly off their peak and it also appears that hospitalisations have levelled off. Their January wave was also helped by the early role out, with hospitalisations falling quickly from the 2-3 weeks after vaccines started to be given out- hence in relative terms the existing wave looks worse.

Also Israel is being overblown a tad in importance now. It is no longer more vaccinated than much of Europe. It is certainly worth watching how much immunity has worn off and how their booster drive goes, but just because they got to a high number quickly doesn’t mean they remain the only place we study.

The importance of Israel is how early they vaccinated their vulnerable population, 50% of the population was fully vaccinated by March 25th. The data suggests breakthrough infections are not rare, but escalate after 6-8 months. As of August 15th there were 514 hospitalized with severe or critical disease and 60% of those were fully vaccinated. 87% were 60 or older.

It’s the best guide we have of how long vaccine immunity is lasting given how early they vaccinated most of their elderly population. But the US and Europe should also get there quickly.

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It’s almost like this virus is only really a significant threat to people over 60 or with underlying health conditions.

Let’s vaccinate the kids though with an experimental drug for a virus that has minimal threat of actually making them seriously ill.

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+1. I’m still looking for a medical professional that will vaccinate my two young fellas so let me know of any leads you may have.


Does this mean all restrictions or some?

Fake news, it’s a picture from 2018

Transmitter lied to me :frowning_face:

It’s almost identical to photos from '22 and '23

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