Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Another, more accurate way to describe it is “a lie”. An obviously self promoting lie.

And when a supposed “expert” describes themselves in terms that are such an easily disprovable lie, it’s more than reasonable to suggest that what they say about the subject they claim to be an expert on is likely to be a tissue of lies.

Malone is yet another lying, corrupt, self-promoting crank to be ignored.

Kulldorff is another right-wing political propagandist masquerading as a dispassionate scientific observer.

You don’t need it up north so I’m saying F U to the southern hospitality sector for it. Bar the restaurant in Monaghan town who allow me in without a cert.

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Martin Kulldorff is professor of Medicine at Harvard, a biostatician and epidemiologist, an actual expert in other words. Dr Lucky Tran is a left wing ideologue specializing in science reporting and communications. No surprise you are convinced by the ideologue.

The authors of the GBD and Sweden got this right, and the loons on Twitter got it wrong.

Live with it.


The Right Honorable member for Broxbourne and Heath is also on the nasal train. I wish you both the very best of luck with it buddy

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I’ve no skin in the game, I’m merely relaying info received from one of fauci’s deputies
I mean do ye want the inside track or not ffs?!

Yet another appeal to authority fallacy. In Kulldorff’s case, baseless authority. A real expert is somebody who looks at the facts and bases their opinion on that. Kulldorff does not do that. He, like you takes positions and holds onto them in the face of all evidence. He is a propagandist for right wing politics and a danger to public health.

Kulldorff is affiliated with the US libertarian think tank the American Institute for Economic Research (AIER), as is the s called Great Barrington Declaration.

His ideology and the ideology of AIER has killed millions.

Deal with the tweet. Do you see a problem with it? Do you think it’s a lie? These are factual, Yes or No questions.

The Prime Minister of Sweden resigned on Sunday. Had Sweden’s Covid response been a success, that wouldn’t be happening.

Grift, grift, grift

The tweet is a lie, but no surprise given the author is a “communications” expert. The GBD has never called for uncontrolled transmission, anyone stating this either has not read it, or is a shameless liar like yourself.

What exactly have lockdown advocates achieved? No deaths in France, Italy, Spain, UK? Here we are 18 months later and they are still calling for more lockdowns, which of course suits them as they are either working from home, so actually better off than before the pandemic, or on enhanced government assistance, so better off before the pandemic. Those most opposed to lockdowns are those that actually had to go out and work during the pandemic, and those with an understanding of global economics.

The only countries that avoided deaths were those that shut their borders in March 2020 and have implemented strict quarantine on every arrival. They are now faced with the reality that they can never open, as if you set the bar at Zero Covid, you can never achieve it. Not with a virus so infectious and a vaccine that cannot protect everyone. Australia and New Zealand are now completely fucked.

Your other error like all leftists is dismissing the economy as if it were irrelevant. How do you imagine health services and hospitals will be funded in a protracted economic downturn? Contrary to your insane ideology there is no magic money tree, the borrowing has reached its limits, and the paying the piper phase will be brutal.


Let me answer on his behalf “It’s the right wing wot done it”

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If only the likes of People Before Profit were in charge, all the world’s ills would be instantly solved. The dream of Trotsky, global communism/serfdom. Worked a treat in the USSR.


You acknowledge the tweet is a lie.

Do you acknowledge the tweet is right wing political propaganda?

Herd immunity means everybody catching Covid. Something that could not be “achieved” without uncontrolled transmission and mass death on a scale many times more horrific that we have already seen. It also completely unscientific as it rejects the idea, of new variants - which come from uncontrolled spread - which evade prior immunity.

A lot less dead and sick people. Which is sort the first, last and everything in a pandemic the likes of which nobody alive ha ever experienced before.

Martin Kulldorff has advised anti-vaccine groups, such as PANDA.

Martin Kulldorff advises Ron Death Sentence, currently presiding , in vaccine times, over a Covid wave worse than the previous ones.

Kulldorff is anti-mask and anti-social distancing. He’s essentially anti-any restrictions whatsoever. He compares masks to burqas under Taliban rule in Afghanistan. Even Sports Gemma might draw the line at such lunacy.

And there’s way more of this stuff out there.

The evidence is categorical. Ghouldorff, like his fellow mass death cheerleaders Gupta and Bhattacharya, is a fully fledged loon. And somebody to be avoided like Covid itself.

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People Before Profit have, from the start, had by far the most consistently scientifically literate position on Covid of any Irish political grouping.

You keep shouting “Communism” though. Doesn’t make you look crazy or anything.

Pretty much this.

And you know it.

Australia and New Zealand are faced with no different a proposition as regards long term opening than any other country is.

They’ll just be doing it with a lot less dead people.

Tell me this, what do you think Australia and New Zealand should do now?

Go on, put your money where your mouth is.

No they are faced with a completely different problem as the great majority of their populations have no immunity and their goal is Zero Covid. It cannot be achieved even with 100% vaccination, therefore they can never reopen. Unless they abandon Zero Covid which it looks like Australia is about to do.

It’s almost like Ghouldorff is trying to protect people. Not the vulnerable or anybody else in society who could die or be seriously harmed by Covid, - which is everybody - but the anti-vaccine movement.

The same anti-vaccine movement to which he was a “scientific advisor”.

Was Trotsky a communist?

No they aren’t. Literally every other nation on earth has had this problem.

There is no indication of Australia and New Zealand dropping their policies. Indeed, if the worst comes to worst and they cannot contain the spread of Delta, they have an excellent headstart compared to the rest of the world when faced with an approaching wave.

I asked you what you would do right now if you had control of health policy in Australia and New Zealand.

You haven’t answered.