Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

The Tweet from the communications lad is a lie.

The Tweet from Kuldorff is sensible like all communication from the GBD authors. Their messaging is based on science not ideology, common sense not hysterical shrieking.

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Youā€™re literally arguing now that a lie - a lie issued in the hysterical shrieking fashion that Ghouldorff favours - is a fact.

This is fascinating.

If I were in charge I would adjust to living with Covid as every other sensible country has done.

That isnā€™t an answer. We know what it means though. It means let Covid rip - not minimise death.

Your canā€™t help your ghoulish nature coming to the surface again - and all because you dug in to defend a right-wing loon, as usual.

Covid is ripping though, have you not noticed? Itā€™s a highly infectious airborne virus. Itā€™s too late for Zero Covid and nobody is going back to lockdowns. You simply have to face reality.

I asked you what you would do if you were in Australia and New Zealand and had control of policy.

You still havenā€™t answered, except to utter vague platitudes that it make glaringly obvious that you advocate letting Covid rip.

ā€œRiskā€ is a big buzzword for the OIUTF loonies.

Your ideology is, fuck risk - walk under the bus. Just do it. Walk under it. Thatā€™s the ideology of the clinically insane.

Do you think the UK should go back into lockdown?

Once the vulnerable are vaccinated in Oz and NZ they should open up. The alternative is never opening up.

Not if you want to actually go home to Italy.

PCR or antigen test costs.

Then you have the fact that you have to isolate if you are a close contact and unvaccinated.

Not worth the hassle really if you want to get somewhat back to normal. We can disagree with it and all, but it is what it is and itā€™s a pain in the hole not to be vaccinated. Once fully approved, I donā€™t see the issue with getting a Pfizer shot. I can understand reluctance for younger male teenagers.

Iā€™m not too bothered with international travel in the short to medium term.

I certainly donā€™t plan on changing my stance fot a while yet.

International travel is the thing I missed most during the pandemic.


Sure everywhere else has had restrictions imposed to some degree. Iā€™m not interested in travel until thereā€™s freedom to enjoy it.

They may have to. Because the course they are on is not the right one. Deaths are averaging 150 a day and rising. And contrary to what you hubristically predicted, cases have rebounded strongly.

You say the virus in general is seasonal. Iā€™m not sold on that. I believe the seasonal effects are minor if any. But if it turns you are right, and Iā€™m wrong - and bearing in mind that the burden on hospitals in general is seasonal - then a very bad winter indeed may await, especially if vaccine immunity is waning in the way that some fear. And especially if a new. worse variant arrives.

The path for Australia and New Zealand is clear. Lockdown hard as you can and simultaneously vaccinate to fuck until you reach 80% doubled vaccinated.

And then re-open society with the multi-pronged approach you need.

Masks, social distancing, mass testing, vaccine passes.

And thatā€™s what we should be doing too.

Maybe when a contact tracer calls you and you are told to get a few tests and isolate.

If we listened to People Before Profit weā€™d have nationalised the pharmaceutical sector. Now weā€™d have no revenue to pay for the PUP and the like but the Irish public service would have produced a great vaccine and weā€™d be out of the woods.

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today case GIF

Pity they the were illiterate to the political situation on the island and continent.

What a stupid remark. We were and are in a time when the pandemic is first, last and everything in terms of both politics and the way we live our life.

Itā€™s precisely because governments attempted to run some sort of parallel normal life as if the pandemic wasnā€™t there that we have had so many bungled pandemic responses.

The contact tracer will be told to go and fuck themselves.

A man must have a code.

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As Iā€™ve told you before, zero covid in Ireland was not ever possible. Itā€™s been rejected by everyone now. No matter how many times you go back to it, youā€™ll still be wrong on this. So were PBP.