Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)


Whose? I can’t keep up with the never ending contortions.
I think that there is an unwillingness to face up to the fact that people die. They die all the time. They die of flu, of measles, rubella, of all sorts of things.
I think that as a society we are terrified of discussing this rationally.
I agree with a vaccination programme, but I disagree with hard lockdown, particularly cheerled by both those in safe jobs, and those enjoying it.
Society cannot continue not to work. Somebody has to go out and hunt


The like of Gupta and whom else contributed to the Great Barrington Declaration whose advice was to let the virus rip prior to the arrival of a vaccine.

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The UK might have the highest figures in Europe at present, but at least it also had a lighter lockdown and an earlier lifting of restrictions than us. We seem to have little to show for our limits on mass events or funerals.

This is pretty key to me. For a long time now Ireland has seen no benefit from having more restrictions than the rest of the EU.


Can you copy the article?

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I think given the severity and length of the restrictions here that we built up a Christmas like desire for reopening. More indoor activities due to crap weather for a month probably doesn’t help either.

Let’s have an outdoor summer. What measures were put in place to put this in effect?

In any event, we are deriving no additional benefit from additional restrictions. Much of our focus is wrong.

God forbid we’d be using antigen testing to catch way more cases, for example. The covid would be getting even covidier.


We all know NPHET and Holohan act the bollix. There were members of NPHET liking posts a month ago about the Euro 2020 outbreaks so they were in no hurry for them to go back. Holohan and co. are comfortable now that hospitals won’t be swamped so he will happily throw the government under the bus so he can be seen as the good guy in all of this.

We have members of NPHET posting here?

The engame is in sight and the positioning for the afterwrath is going into overdrive. Irelands approach throughout this has been hardline if not extreme. A more balanced and level headed approach would have led to less severe fluctuations in case numbers and consequently less deaths. A full and independent tribunal needs to be undertaken asap


More tribunals are exactly what we need now.

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I can’t wait for the mini series in a few years, Brendan Gleeson would make a great Tony Holohan, his son could play Donnelly

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Few lads need to pull on the green jacket here and we’ll all get through this.


Those anti Vax cranks will finish the economy

OIUTF 1st week in September so

We have turned the corner

It has been won on the Internet

The young lad started secondary school yesterday. Absolutely delighted to say the teachers have ignored the abusive mask instruction from our leaders…all bar one teacher …a bit of a lout apparently, who managed to make a girl cry on her first day.
Says it all really.