Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Alex Berenson is yet another fraud with a foghorn.

Eric Topol:

There are plenty of front line doctors using it, and it’s extremely safe regardless of whether it works or not. The reddit stuff strikes me as inauthentic,I’d say it was set up a few months ago to target ivermectin, everyone’s out to get us.

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I’m not sure about that. We’re there not 10,000s killed by thr initial polio vaccines? I might be entirely wrong.

All jokes aside we’re blessed to have a vaccine so quickly. The fact that being infected confers better immunity is a good thing and one the scientists will build on to develop better vaccines.

Propaganda is serious stuff.

This thread by right should be aligned with the aul SDG piece.

ESG ratings etc…

Marxism is not where we want society to go, pal.

You’re so highly educated, but you cannot see the wood from the trees kid.

Cutter Labs, 1955. They fucked up and made live virus instead of deactivated virus and infected 40,000 kids with Polio, 200 got varying degrees of paralysis, and 10 died. Compared to the ravages of polio and the number of deaths and disabilities it caused it was in context a minor event.


That Atlantic article is wrong on several points as well, no surprise given the author like Berenson has no scientific or medical background. The virus has a good track record of proving people wrong. The media and pretend journalists on Twitter have been most guilty of peddling shite that was premature or lacking in evidence, rational people should pay no attention to them but humans as we know are not entirely rational.

The only ones worth paying attention to are actual scientists in the field of immunology and you will find they very rarely make black and white statements, as they know that our understanding of this virus and disease are incomplete. They also know that when you make a definitive statement and are later found to be wrong, it leads to a credibility problem. Fauci is the best example who lost all credibility with anyone who can think for themselves with his early and disastrous utterances “Americans have nothing to worry about from this virus” and “there is absolutely no reason to wear a mask”.

In terms of messaging that caused serious consequences, Fauci is out on his own due to his position and media profile. For some reason the left love him, which says a lot about the left. He has literally been wrong every step of the way and should have been replaced in that role early on.


Fauci was right about cloth masks initially mate.

They’re beyond a waste of time.

The brief changed after that as the only logical way to beat this new virus was to follow the CCP party line.

Thats worked very well too in fairness.

Why are cloth masks known to be so bad? Even if they are coming out of the arse pocket of your wranglers surely they stop some of the droplets coming out of your mouth and that’s how the infection is spread?

They’re just for so show, mate.

Complete waste of time. N95’s would offer protection fair enough - but you would have to change them every two hours.

The masks everyone else is wearing are a joke. Tbf, thats known over 12 months here too.


Almost everyone seems to agree they are a complete waste of time now but it doesn’t really make sense to me. Surely they stop a few droplets coming out of your mouth?? Even a small percentage

They are useless because Covid is not spread by droplets, its spread by aerosols which are much smaller than a cloth mask can filter. There’s another recent study from Canada that concluded cloth masks are utterly useless and surgical masks reduce transmission by 10%. If a surgical mask were fitted properly it works fairly well, but the only mask that really works is a properly fitted N95 mask and even that is not 100%.


Do you speak through your teeth? you animal.

They don’t stop any droplets mate.

Are they definitely a complete and total waste of time absolutely no argument? Fuck it anyway

They do but they don’t stop aerosols. So they help a bit if you are around a spitter.

They are a complete joke. Offer no protection from anything, if anything they can actually damage peoples health.

Right-wing culture wars are a nawful thing.

“The science is settled that masks do work, though mask performance can vary widely,” said Linsey Marr, a Virginia Tech engineer who has studied airborne-disease transmission. “The kind of studies that are trying to just debunk masks, so far they’ve all been shown to be completely flawed.”