Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

The UK study shows that the vaccines are less effective against Delta than Alpha, and concluded that rates of reinfection are similar for Delta and prior infection. The Israel study is more recent so is is a better measure of how immunity is holding up. Either way, both are solid research and shouldn’t be dismissed.

There’s literally no evidence for negative long term implications of vaccination. There’s every evidence for the extreme negative effects of Covid spread, both on an individual and societal level. Millions of deaths as the most basic and obvious extreme negative effect.

I’m not really sure what unintended consequences the non-pharmaceutical interventions can have. They promote confidence, which is what societies and economies thrive on.

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How do you propose stopping mass spread? Say in India or Brazil?

Social distancing? Working from home? Better ventilation in shanty towns?

The left are completely detached from reality.

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That’s what viruses do be doing mate. It’s in their nature. When faced with an immune response, they mutate. I can follow all the points you’re making. I don’t agree with them all. I think we need to be more considerate and understanding, taking the middle of the road as much as possible.

The data from the African countries on case numbers and deaths is fascinating.

There’s literally no evidence for the positive long-term implications of the COVID vaccines.


I didn’t dismiss anything.

One basic thing that is so basic I’m surprised people haven’t noted it - Israel has exclusively used mRNA vaccines at a three week interval. A UK study suggests the optimum interval for immunity is 10 weeks.

The findings suggest:

  • a three-week schedule generated fewer of the neutralising antibodies that can bind the virus and stop it infecting cells than a 10-week interval

Well we saw the alternative of not doing those things in India in April. An estimated 4 million dead.

To ignore that would seem a lot, lot more detached from reality, I think.

4 million? India hasn’t even hit 450,000 deaths with COVID. If you’re to believe the numbers, the case fatality rate is higher in Ireland (1.5%) when compared with India (1.3%).

Good night lads. We’ll pick this up again in the morning.

Well the trials began nearly a year and half ago and we haven’t heard of any longer term effects arising from them.

You could argue that any medicine developed in, let’s say the last two decades, that there’s no evidence they don’t cause long term effects.

I had my tonsils out when I was four. There’s no evidence that I won’t suffer long term negative effects from that, but three and a half decades later I still haven’t felt them.

At some point you just have to stop worrying about something there’s no evidence for.

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Of course the UK would say that as they deliberately spread out the doses to get more first doses in. There was no evidence at the time this led to stronger immunity, all US Pfizer and Moderna regimes had 2-3 weeks. The most current research suggests the best vaccine immunity is from a dose of AZ and then a double dose of Pfizer.

You’re very trusting of the official figures, on the rare occasions it suits.

So India should have implemented working from home and better ventilation in April?

Have you been to India?

The UK didn’t spread doses to get stronger immunity. They did it to get immunity into more people at a time when Covid was rampant. I think they were correct in this, one of the rare things they have been correct about during the pandemic.

Goodnight men, go to bed.

You’re being silly.

You know all these things are positives, you’re just looking for silly reasons why Ireland should not implement them.

India insisted on having superspreader events because their government insisted with all the hubris you’d expect from such a shower of reprobates that they were some sort of magical case and were “done with Covid”. They must have read your posts.


The Christmas wave is going to be hilarious. Another lockdown and reforming the band in a hurry.

This just confirms all my worst suspicions, that Micheal Martin might really be a bit simple. He has the foresight of a rabbit.


Looks like the Doomsday OIUTF men who thought tony would never give up power and keep restrictions till 2023 and the panicky under the bed crew who thought we were opening up too fast and they’d be piling up the body bags in breffni park have both been proved wrong.

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