Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

RATM care about other people, especially the more vulnerable.

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Itā€™s because the vaccines prevent you from getting the virus. Oh wait. They donā€™t.
Itā€™s because the vaccines prevent you from transmitting the virus. Oh wait. They donā€™t.
Itā€™s because the vaccines provide better protection than natural immunity. Oh waitā€¦


Presumably thereā€™s money behind those 3 identical replies. Serious question - who do you think is pushing this narrative? Just ISAG?

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Could be a lot worse. @glenshaneā€™s mammy has to clean his intestinal lining off his arsehole every time he takes a shit.

ISAG are finished. Graeme Mulcahy went round and stomped on all their hurleys.


My spy network have been working hard on this. Itā€™s most likely just a lazy teacher who doesnā€™t want to go back to work.


Iā€™m glad Iā€™ve helped you see the light.
How did you get on with the expert analysis/podcast?

I presume itā€™s one of those weirdos who holds multiple Twitter handles making the same tired joke three times because he believes it would be three time funnier. He possibly has an interest in doxxing as well

What kind of retarded black and white shit is this? Or are you the kind of halfwit who thinks vaccine = immunity?

Had a brief google of the two guys names and then didnā€™t bother with it. The guy is a former biology professor, a long established figure on the ā€œintellectual dark webā€, now heā€™s Mr Ivermectin and making a bomb out of it, who gives a shit about him.

I posted up a newspaper article from the IT about a reputable Irish study completed very recently that found that Ivermectin did nothing but theyā€™ve found another treatment that probably works. Of course you and the rest of them are still banging on about the horse de-wormer. You have no interest in this new treatment that probably does work.

But hey that lady says WHO used to outsource work to her says sheā€™s loads of evidence! Nearly the entire rest of the scientific community, and that study result that just got published in the IT, says sheā€™s wrong, but she used to work for WHO!

The Ivermectin thing isnā€™t about actually curing Covid19.

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Retarded? Nice. Black and white shit is usually the easiest to digest for people that would contemplate supporting nonsense like vaccine mandates for attending a concert.

ā€œBrief googleā€, IT and a meme. Nice. Maybe instead try studying some peer-reviewed published papers that investigate the impact that ivermectin has on the attenuation of clinical and immunological outcomes during SARS-COV2 infection.

Weinstein? Heā€™s fairly mainstream and conventionalā€¦he even wears a mask, donā€™t get put of by silly monikers that are only meant to pigeonhole and obscure lack of knowledge. Lawrie deals with around 70 serious trials carried out by governments, heath trusts etc. Your IT study is probably one of them, apparently thatā€™s what makes this meta-analysis lark the gold standard or something, not that Iā€™d know.
I found her very convincing


Itā€™s funny when headbangers try to sound intelligent.

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cc @Copper_pipe

Itā€™s not him

You are under no obligation to remain the same person you were a year ago, a month ago, or even a day ago. You are here to create yourself, continuously.

cc @Tank.


That is a key element of Eastern philosophy, I read once. Every time you undergo a new experience you change as a person. You should never always be the same. If youā€™re not growing youā€™re stagnating.

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You change in every passing moment of your existence. That is how life is - a serious of moments. The moment I started typing this post is long gone. In the past - no longer exists. And I am now the guy who typed that first sentence. Which is different to how I was at the start.

It is like someone is pressing reset all the time.




Not reset, thatā€™s going back to what you were before. Youā€™re adding things on. Growing. The thrust of the article I read was that much of western philosophy of happiness that proliferates -on social media particularly - be true to yourself, be who you are, donā€™t change for anyone, etc etc - is wrong, because there is no one true you. You should always be growing and changing, you should not be the same at 16 as 21 as 45 and so on. It resonated with me.