You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

It takes real skill to completely defeat your own argument in a single paragraph but by Jove youā€™ve only gone and done it.

The sales of tonic water and butter must be sky rocketing. Or maybe lads who are responsible enough to hold down a job without being woken up by Dr Tony to go go work can be trusted to take sensible precautions and then get on with life


My employer is giving everyone an antigen test before the break and the ask is to use it on the day before youā€™re due back in the office in the new year.

Itā€™s not mandatory as in you wonā€™t be asked to provide a negative result to get back in the office but make contact with direct report if itā€™s positive.

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Makes tomorrows Sunday Times.

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Yeah your vaccine pass / QR code gets replaced by a recovery cert instead.

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Recovery cert :rofl:

I donā€™t know lads.

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Hardly a scoop, and it widely circulated weeks ago. Why are they running with it now?

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Yeah weird. Someone on high wants it to get to the non internet folk?

The Oā€™Mahoney story is ridiculous too.

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Poor Johnny Giles is collateral damage.

Exactly. Garryowen are renowned cunts the world over.

They have requested one of the most know lines in a popular Limerick club song be removed using letters to the irfu. Wankers.

How is it an issue at all sure he might have a drink in his hand.

They want to change it to Sean South from Henry Street?

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Itā€™s an utter joke weā€™ve restrictions in place at this stage. Itā€™s a bloody head cold.


The DOH have must have had enough of carrying all the flak. Ties in with Nphet being muzzled.
No harm for Reid, heā€™s stone fucking useless and a fraud to boot.


The good news keeps coming.

Itā€™s over. Itā€™ll take 9 months for that to be recognized.

And then NIAC another 6 to approve it. Theyā€™ll realise on a Thursday in march 2023 but will leave it till that Monday to announce it.