Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Incorrect. I explained this to @Horsebox already. The OIUTF crew are happy for people to die of Covid but not cancer.

It’s the other way around actually.

The LIDTF people are happy for people to die of anything as long as it’s not Covid.

Where were you before Covid came along when 900 people were lying on hospital trolleys every winter?

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It’s pretty straight forward. It happened in the US, Italy, Spain, the UK, Brazil and is happening now in India (a place you thought were done with Covid). Allowing a virus like Covid free rein has a devastating effect on health systems.

You didn’t answer my question.

Where were you before Covid came along when 900 people were lying on hospital trolleys every winter?


Your line of thinking is frazzled.

Cat got your tongue??

Where were you before Covid came along when 900 people were lying on hospital trolleys every winter?

Do you want a list or something? What a bizarre question.

Why can’t you answer it?

It’s a simple question. Have you something to hide?

Where were you before Covid came along when 900 people were lying on hospital trolleys every winter?

Here look it, I can’t help you if you’re breathlessly hanging on George Lee’s every doom-laden report


Its done lads


You’ve started out with the presumptions that restrictions on travel prevent the spread of covid and are needed to present the spread of covid.

In my view, both of these presumptions are wrong, especially given where we are now.

Well tell that to pubs, restaurants, sports clubs, cinemas and theatres who are being denied catering for the numerous people who would like to use their establishments and facilities but can’t due to govt guidelines.

You are talking out both sides of your mouth here.

Yet you were arguing for lockdown measures earlier in the year while demanding travel was opened up.

I think air travel represents a bigger risk of spread than opening up domestic society. Domestic society and the economy should therefore take precedent.

Yes you’ve repeated this lots of times. I disagree with you.

Have you a link for the day there were 900 on trolleys and I’ll check my diary to see where I was.

I suppose it was grand as it was only flu.

It says 760 was the biggest daily number on trolleys. Where’s the link for the 900 on trolleys?

You seem to be arguing that because I’m suggesting both travel and domestic economy can open up together implies that I think the domestic economy should be shut down.


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So you’re saying 760 lying on hospital trolleys is nothing to worry about.


You’ve proved my point, doesn’t matter about anything else bar Covid for you. Flu can kill as many as they want in your mindset.

They are not though. You seem to be arguing they are, which is disingenuous.