Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Apart from people on Twitter, people who listen to the radio and people who watch RTE. It’s a chicken and egg. We can’t open up until these people stop being subjected to fear mongering. But until we open up, they will spend their time on Twitter, watching RTE and listening to the radio

Every fact that disrupts your consistently wrong views on this pandemic is “disingenuous”. It’s quite the neat coping mechanism you’ve developed.

You didn’t introduce a fact, you misrepresented what I said, again. That’s disingenuous.

New Zealand has had 26 deaths.

Ireland has had 5k deaths.

They have a similar population.

What is not factual about that?

New Zealand has the worst rate for domestic violence amongst OECD members.

New Zealand has highest rate of teen suicide amongst OECD members.

Locking people at home is very NZ.

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Exhibit A

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You said that I considered NZ to be crackpots. That was disingenuous of you, it was not what I said.

There’ll be plenty of “sure what’s the problem, you can get a pint and go to the gym now anyway” in response to a delay.

Nolan being wheeled out again is a sign of doom. I’d add that there isn’t a hope that we don’t see some serious efforts at restrictions in January. Modelling of flu season is going to become a thing.

You consider those who advocated what New Zealand did to be crackpots. That’s pretty much the same thing.

I think we can see from this forum over the last year exactly who has proved to be crackpots and who hasn’t.

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Ye don’t know how good ye have it


We were discussing Ireland. Ireland is not New Zealand and could not do what new Zealand did.

Look, I generally have an awful lot of time for you pal, but you seem determined to be entirely disingenuous on any discussion on this. You have your view and that’s fine but you don’t want to discuss it. You don’t respond to any reasonable points put to you and repeatedly misrepresent what I’ve said and respond to that instead. Maybe it’s a bit of game or something but I don’t see any point in responding to you any more on this so I’ll leave it at that.


That’s the big concern. Any politician will be reluctant to put an “avoidable strain on the health system”. Once lockdowns are an option they quickly become the go to option.

You say I’m “disingenuous” because it’s a coping mechanism for you having views on this topic that are all over the place.

I think you’re far from the worst poster on the thread but you seriously need to come to terms with the fact that other people have legitimate views backed up by actual successful real world examples.

Instead you fire out “crackpots” ad nauseum, which severely undermines your own credibility.

No it isn’t. New Zealand is a very different country to Ireland geographically

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cc @Copper_pipe

All countries are different geographically. And demographically.

The argument being made here is that we were right to reject what has proved to work.

And the argument for that is that other countries who are much more different to Ireland geographically than New Zealand is were also rejecting it.

It’s a very strange argument.

I don’t think any of the countries in Europe are more different to us than New Zealand are. The land border with another jurisdiction makes us more like France than New Zealand who are at their closest more than 1,000 miles away from their nearest neighbour

I genuinely think it’s silly to be having a discussion on the differences between Ireland and New Zealand, and why an approach that worked in New Zealand couldn’t work in Ireland, at this stage. That discussion has been had ad nauseum. Once again, NZs approach has proved very successful for them, and good for them.

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Sure we have the lad who was previously against MHQ for Britain now arguing for MHQ for Britain.

Previously the argument against this was the border, but now that argument has flown out the window.

A land border doesn’t change that much. Norway and Finland have land borders and they were able to do a pretty decent job of minimising Covid, even if they weren’t like New Zealand.

Their approach was also rejected out of hand by the OIUTF merchants.

And I fully expect that all countries will pursue a NZ like approach to the next novel virus- or at the least there will be no hesitation to ban travel like there was with China in January 2020.

I’m not sure why it’s so difficult for people to accept that ship was only possible for Ireland if all of Europe pursued it way back when.