Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

The most likely I think is this virus will continue to get more transmissible and less lethal, and evolve into a cold like previous coronas. The next one off the conveyor belt might not be so accommodating.

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The Chinese will have learned a lot from this one. The next wan they make will be ruthless altogether


That’s depressing.


You’ve science and then you’ve prescience. I’m just glad to see that lads are trying to keep up with @glenshane


McDonkey is back! And this time it’s personal.


What would be your thinking on vaccinating teens and younger bud? I unplugged from covid-related chatter as much as possible for a good while but appears a position may have to be considered on vaccinating the kids.

I’m reluctant at first instinct given kids are unaffected by it to-date so see no obvious upside but not so forthright that I would dismiss valid reasoning for it.

Your thinking?

Luke o’neill said international evidence seems to be that young children don’t spread it to adults and in vaccinated populations it seems not necessary to vaccinate kids. But the data is evolving.

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Aisling O Connor is a new low for humanity


She was saying the first lockdown was a fantasy world this time last year.

Herself and Fionan thinks politics is a big game with loads of characters and complex twists when it’s a load of boring ex teachers and civil servants


My god, I actually can’t believe the horseshite she’s coming out with.

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The ultimate Me Feiner, I nominate her for COTY

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Her comments there about the England v Germany match were so out of touch with reality it wasn’t even funny.

She couldn’t be more smug and self satisfied if she tried. Its depressing


Est ce que tu plus qualifiĂ© que Luc Montagnier? Vos capacitĂ©s ne cessent de m’étonner, chef.

Luc has been proven wrong, so far at least. He claimed that “the curve of vaccination is followed by the curve of death”, the opposite of what we are actually seeing.


The CDC are recommending 12 and over be vaccinated here, while the WHO are recommending only 12 years and up who have preexisting conditions and only with the Pfizer vaccine.

I can’t tell you what to do but if I had teens and younger I would hold off.