COTY 2018 Grand Final

@anon61878697 jumping from pillar to post on this. Youā€™re not the only one tho.

What are you shitting about? I voted Williams ā€” took a step back to see how things were going and gave Williams back his vote.

Dont cross me, Iā€™m warning you.

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You had mickey Harte all day.

No, the Travelling community absolutely should be the subject of discussion.

Yes, there absolutely is a line and itā€™s determined by peopleā€™s bona fides, ie. their willingness to be enter into such a discussion in good faith.

Itā€™s very, very easy to distinguish people who genuinely wish to discuss in good faith the many problems that the Travelling community face from without and have within, from people who donā€™t.

Mr. Casey was very much the latter. He merely wanted to whip up racist bigotry to boost his own flagging political campaign.

He had no interest whatsoever in genuine discussion and merely wanted to vilify.

I think Iā€™ve fairly described how Mr. Casey deliberately crossed the line for his own selfish, cynical gain.

It was a manouevre that was no different in principle to the Nazisā€™ vilification of the Jews.

And I think itā€™s fair to say Mr. Casey is thus a horrible, despicable, cynical, racist cunt who should have no place in public life in this country.

And if that offends anybody, good - itā€™s the objective truth.

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I love that after the input of a certain couple of lads that Connors has surged into the lead.

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Most of the votes thus far have been the same,

I voted for Ross. Zamparelli FFS

Ross has conpletely whitewashed from his past his unwavering support for INBS and fingleton. Hes been the worst minister I can recall. Hed like nowt more than to decimate rural Ireland


Some people on here clearly donā€™t get godwinism or 1930s German history

Iā€™m surprised supposed history buff @anon61878697 hasnā€™t torn this nonsense apart about kristallnacht and casey

For the record, If Connors wins this, I want nothing to do with it.


@Ambrose_McNulty has come out of retirement to support Johnny Connors

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Fuck off


Ok thanks

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And it has you driven demented hasnā€™t it, it has really irked You?

Huh? Iā€™m just happy to see his little face again

Some fellas take this very seriously :smile:

Connors will see this as a badge of honour, it will confirm his sense of victimhood and give him a status he doesnā€™t deserve.

A tweet incoming from Mr Connors surely when he gets wind of the results. A big step for the forum in voting an anti-rubby man into this position on the eve of the Ā®WC.

Heā€™a Pro Rubby now.

Do you think actors should only play characters they agree with?


no, but youd think that theyd stay well clear of stereotypes they say that their people are being portrayed as.

I havenā€™t time to read all the posts on this topic at the moment.

Itā€™s not for me to say who is and isnā€™t a cunt obviously.

But I pay money to host this site and I will not allow it to be a place where generalized comments about travellers are allowed to be seen as the norm around here. Maybe weā€™ve tolerated too much in the past. Because free speech is one thing, morons repeating the same racist bile ad nauseum is not something I endorse or will support.

The internet is a big place. If you want to make a case for travellers being some sort of underclass go do it somewhere else.