Covid 19 🐐- It's Back Baby!

The Indian dev and QA support team are riddled with it @KinvarasPassion; picked it up over the morning scrum call yesterday and Praveen, Raj and Sunita all were missing in action this morning.

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Praveen, Raj and Sunita were out on the Cobras last night I’d say.

I said the same, its amazing how lads test positive for covid when they need a few days off. No wonder Limerick is rampant with it

New Hampshire Math GIF by GIPHY News


Raj asked could he go back to India for 3 weeks hols. HR only agreed to 2 as Raj is only gone through probation. On day 13 of his leave, Raj sends a note to say his mother is dead. HR ask for evidence… Raj sends picture of a dead woman in a coffin surrounded by some flowers. :joy:

As a follow up, HR ask Raj for flights bookings and the stupid cunt sent them the flight itinery… A 3 week gap between his departure and return flight on the original booking :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Was it tonic water that gave a false positive on the antigen tests? I have a few lying around and might want a few days off. The experts in nphet gave a tutorial before the dail iirc.

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It was the tonic water that cured the covid i think, twas butter that gave the false positives

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The gin in the tonic water got me through the worst of it.


I never got Covid.

Some people reckon it was all a cod. Could they have a case at all, I wonder…?

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Real disease, a lot of older people died, some younger people got very sick, long covid is rare but real. But if the exact same disease came along again we would no more lockdown, close schools, queue outside woodies and leave library books in quarantine for 72 hours than the proverbial man in the moon.

How would you even know?

Are antigen tests still a thing?

Bless them but their lies are easily unravelled. I used to knock great craic out of lining up the questions in chess like moves. We both knew checkmate was coming but they kept going til the King got knocked.

I’d have sympathy for poor Raj here though. I’m sure it felt like a water tight alibi. Condolences on the loss of your mother Raj but we don’t believing a fucking word of it. Cunts.

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Ah they are terrible sneaky bastards but they can’t hide it… I had a manager in Bangalore ping me out of the blue today… “have you got 10 mins for a quick catch up?”. We’ve a meeting on Monday to decide a few big ticket times for Q4 so the cunt was trying to soften me up ahead of this so that his squads got the got the ‘nicer’ initiatives. Twas more a game of draughts rather than chess with me chasing his king around the board till I took it.

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I think i got poisoned from people shedding the vaccine. Thankfully my body rejected it

You pointed for Kerry?

Very concerning.

He is some headbanger


My dad has got it. He’s sick enough now.

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Supposedly rampant at moment (as in I know 2 people who have it)