Covid 19 šŸ- It's Back Baby!

Iā€™m not familiar woth this Goddek character, but it is firmly established that both Covid itself and the Covid vaccines cause myocarditis, especially in young males. The mechanism is the spike protein attaching to ACE2 receptors in the heart and causing inflammation. How does the spike protein get to the heart? It travels there in the blood stream, either from a serious Covid infection or after vaccination. The key word there is serious infection, as for the great majority (>99%) of Covid infections the infection is quickly snuffed out by your immune system before it gets to spread. Not so with the vaccine which spreads everywhere making more spike proteins as it goes.

Vaccinated and unvaccinated shed both virus and spike proteins. Whether spike shedding from a vaccinated or unvaccinated person can cause harm to another person is a questionable claim, but thereā€™s no question shedding occurs. Itā€™s probably not good for you though to be inhaling a toxic protein.

Sadly this will have to be my last response on this topic, as the admins in their wisdom limit me to 3 responses on any topic. Including the Raverous thread (a thread I started) where apparently my guidance on oven temperatures for reverse searing a steak are problematic and should come with a health warning.


Why do you find it hilarious- is it the notion of vaccine shedding itself, or the idea that the vaccine causes myocarditis?

Repeat reply, thatā€™s so cute :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

So you canā€™t answer a simple question yet youā€™re enough of an authority to roll your eyes, laugh, mock etc. Some boyo

Gas cunts.


Be ideal if numbers went up. Could you the covid excuse to get out of a few weddings.

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Theyā€™re gas cunts, youā€™re just a stupid cunt.

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I answered your question the first time :joy:

I told you what I find hilarious, thatā€™s it :man_shrugging:

That Moderna shot nearly killed me

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I didnā€™t go back for any more after it. I was in the bed for 2 days

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Pure poison. I was in bits after it.

It nearly stopped me getting covid though

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Iā€™ve a feeling we are in for a tough winter

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That was an equivocation. I asked why you found it hilarious, you didnā€™t answer.

Aw did the woke lads need a safe space created for them? Pathetic.

Imagine after all this still extolling the virtue of this ā€˜vaccineā€™ absolute unnecessary poison for the vast majority.

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Iā€™m gonna be deadly serious here, no emojis or anything, I promise. Read on.

What I find funny, you can correct me if itā€™s credible, is the notion that one could develop myocarditis by sitting in the same area as a person who has been vaccinated.
I donā€™t find anything else funny about it, to me that seems nuts,
I have no opinion on the vaccine causing myocarditis in the body it has been injected into.

If that puts an end to this matter thatā€™s good, if you have more questions Iā€™ll do my best to answer, howā€™s that?

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Shur thereā€™s any amount of data saying that the vaccine causes myocarditis. The idea that the vaccine sheds isnā€™t al all far-fetched. Iā€™ll let you take the next leap in logic all by yourself, if you can stop chuckling at the stupidity of others etc

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I like your thinking. A real benefit of lockdown was there was morons in supermarkets

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Youā€™ve no opinion on this?!? but youā€™ve made your mind up on shedding based onā€¦

Sounds absolutely ludicrous to me that you could develop myocarditis in that way,
But not to you, no harm :man_shrugging:

Based on what?