Covid 19 🐐- It's Back Baby!

Make sure you have your cameras with you when going for boosters guys. The gram will need to know.

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Viewers on Ryan’s podcast have doubled from 4 to 8 following the news of the new variant

Tony’s ready just say the word.

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You fucking stook.

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So everyone should have been let get Covid willy nilly? Is that the approach you think should have been adopted in early 2020?

Tis easy sneer at the likes of Órla Hegarty – especially at the distance of three years. But self righteous and irritating people did not change the nature of the crisis.

Were you one of the people who sneered as well at the very idea of ‘variants’?

No, there is no such evidence (“any amount of data”).about Covid vaccines causing myocarditis in significant degree. Why do you keep telling flat out lies about Covid and Covid vaccines? Telling lies will not make you any less wrong than you have been all along. You are just making yourself look even more foolish.

Of course, there is plenty of evidence that Covid causes myocardiitis (which would be in effect a kind of ‘long Covid’). This reality is rather troublesome for the ‘Covid is only a flu’ merchants like yourself. But ye are too blinkered and wilfully slanted to see this truth.

As for ‘catching’ myocarditis from vaccine shedding… Give us a break with such risible reality free bullshit. Ego and amour propre makes for the strangest kinds of self humiliation.

She ran off Twitter for a good while after her claims of doom didn’t materialise.

Back again now claiming ventilation can cure all.

No-one here claimed you could catch myocarditis from vaccine shedding- point out where someone did.
It’s been well established that this vaccine causes myocarditis, i merely said that some vaccines shed- so the benefits and harms are, in some cases, transmissible.
Try to calm down a little. I’m sure Pfizer appreciate your ardour but it’s a bit ott…

Fauci’s recently exposed emails relating to your origin theory make interesting reading. Good to see you sticking to the early narrative though…

And she’s blocking anyone who spreads misinformation. Unless it’s the good kind of misinformation

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Fuck off with the Pzifer stuff now. Argue your point or do not argue it. But I will not wear being made out to be some sort of a shill for big business. You can shove that guff where Dr John Campbell does not shine. The fact that the sentiment is risible does not mean I do not find the sentiment any less irritating. You think you know more than everyone else. You actually know far less.

The fact is that you are constantly telling ties about Covid and Covid vaccines. It is not “well established that this vaccine causes myocarditis” in remotely significant degree. Bullshit and a repeated lie.

Of course, you do not want to admit that it is well established that Covid causes myocarditis in a significant number of cases. Were you able to muster even a modicum of self awareness, you might feel ashamed to have been one of the ‘Covid is only a flu’ merchants. But your level of investment in recreational paranoia rules out that possibility.

I don’t think that word salad fooled anyone, not even yourself.
Why do you think Pfizer wanted their trial data hidden for seventy-five years? (Hint- not because of their fears of scrutiny by willing obedient docile fools)

Word salad… Willing obedient docile fools… My meaning is perfectly clear: you are a wilful liar. You would swear you actually stood for something. But what the fuck have you ever done except indulge in recreational paranoia on the internet, plinthed by the ramblings of sundry grifters and fruitcakes.

And in risible self regard. You really do have an extraordinary level of self regard for someone on the same ethical level as Gemma O’Doherty and John Waters.

You are codding no one but yourself and a few amadĂĄns here. I repeat: you have been telling wilful lies about Covid and Covid vaccines for three years. Cod yourself away but I have enough of it.

Enough of it, now, you hear

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I’d be angry too…if I’d taken the damn thing.

Pfizer list myocarditis as a recorded side effect of their own vaccine. They don’t mention anything about blind slack jawed infatuated obedience. Maybe they should?

As I just said, you know far less than most. That reason is why you lie. And such is why “Gemma” is one of your heroines.

Delude yourself away. I suppose the activity is a form of solitaire.

Ok. We’ll pretend so you can be right. That works for me

Already established, over three years, is what works for you: lying and recreational paranoia.

But have the last word, if doing so makes you feel in control.