Covid 19 🐐- It's Back Baby!

I saw today that anti-vaccine scum are now polluting the condolences section of death notices on

It’s a bottomless pit of crazy they inhabit.

Yes, except for cowardly bastards like you.

So there we go, according to this nutcase, anybody who wasn’t a let it rip merchant was a “cowardly bastard”.

The nutters always do the work of outing themselves as nutcases for ya.

What is it Orla is after? Like, what does she want to happen? A world-wide shut down of every economy on earth for months or even years to rid the world of a disease that’s harmless to 99% of the population?


Easy pal, you’ll be listening to Joe Rogan next

She wants to lean over the garden fence and say “did you hear the latest, what will become of us all”

The only response to her posts I’ve seen here is from fellas clearly extremely insecure about their own masculinity laughing and sneering at the immunocompromised.

You don’t know either, grand

I’m genuinely curious. What is her solution to this issue?

This seems pretty sensible, but I’m sure the Covid loons will object on the basis that poor ventilation in nursing homes amounts to “freedom”, or some imported right wing American shite like that.

Sell more ventilation units.

So just ventilation in nursing homes? I’d have no issue with that at all.

Better than landing in a load of sick people into them killing the residents unnecessarily.

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Says the lad that gets his entire worldview from right wing American nutcases out to make $$$$$$$$$ from peddling disinformation to millions of simpletons like him.

Question notting.

She just loves the calamity, attention and drama. A sensible person would ask her how many people are actually in hospital because of covid…she’d fall apart

I recall you saying similar about Nicola Gallagher…

Whatever about proximity, its merits and perils, and whatever about vaccine shedding, there is no such thing as IQ shedding, clearly enough.

I think the current approach by government and the comments under this tweet by experts in the field strongly criticising that new approach prove as conclusively as possible that the government and a range of other experts believe that the approach taken the last time was the wrong one in hindsight.

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Nothing wrong with having a plan in high risk areas, not just for covid but all infection control in nursing homes and hospitals. Personally vistor restrictions in hospitals should be a standard practice post covid and common mitegations in place. I wouldnt be opposed to visitors wearing masks or temperature checks in hospitals or nursing homes. A positive of all the covid stuff we disagreed with for the general public

I don’t think we should have locked down. I think we should have protected the elderly and vulnerable. We did the exact opposite, we fucked then into nursing homes full of covid and locked them in, or isolated them to misery and/or death,mainly to save ourselves, the younger generation who in large part enjoyed being paid for nowt.
Vaccines were a necessary evil, but there is absolutely no doubt they were rushed through and it’s extremely fortuitous they worked well and for the most part don’t appear to have had huge adverse effects. Lockdown was a very blunt hammer which disproportionately ruined the isolated and vulnerable. It was blunt, poorly thought out, a cowardly easy option by governments who were first and foremost interested in appeasing Twitter, and should never happen panic stricken again with no thought for the huge consequences.
The architects of lockdown were immune from the consequences as they wandered freely about claiming herohood, or simply ignored the rules they had imposed on others, like that cunt Ferguson in England.


Flesh that out a bit for us flatty? What’s an acceptable rate of injury, adverse reaction etc?