Covid 19 🐐- It's Back Baby!

The vaccines worked well?

Hold up there chief.

I think there is little doubt that the vaccines ameliorate the disease, and on balance, cause less damage, though I’m open to this view changing as more data emerges. It’s still what I think.
As regards lads talking about “only flu”, I’d rather have covid than flu any day of the week.

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An acceptable rate is that the vaccines overall cause less harm than they solve. I think that they have.

Covid presented a miniscule risk to anyone under the age of 30. The vaccine certainly has killed or harmed a significant umber in this age group.

An easy thing to say. An infinitely more difficult imperative to carry out. And no amount of guff about Sweden or Florida or Texas from immature know nothings, whining about how their social life was affected, will change that reality. All of this guff is mostly wishful thinking from people who got the whole nature of Covid badly wrong from the start. And whose egos are now badly bruised.

Saying there should have been no lockdown, when lockdown was used as a measure and we are now out the other side of it, is like saying I derived no nutrition from the meals I ate during that period because I did not enjoy those meals. Namely, nonsensical illogic. The essence of thought is being able to conceive of what could have happened. As mentioned numerous times before, a point never answered by the kangos because it is unanswerable, people would simply have locked down themselves and refused to travel. Here also was my point about ‘a rolling de facto lockdown’ due to infection levels, a straightforward and inarguable observation but one that caused a serious mental challenge to the personality challenged. There is dumb and then there is that whole new toxic category, the Covid dumb.

Bar lockdown in 2020, we would have been not just in societal chaos but likewise in chaos about the legal implications of compelling people to travel in the context of a pandemic. The legal chaos would have had massive implications for at least a generation. First duty of any government? Preservation of social order. The kangos are necessarily wilful know nothings because even a few droplets from the cold splash of reality drowns all their rhetoric in an instant. Most of them – not all of them but by far the most of them – are merely obnoxious right wing personality alibi merchants venting on the internet. Look at the raft of issues alongside Covid on which they batten, like fungi crowding together on some dead tree of politics: anti state, anti public sector, anti public health, anti immigration, anti ecology, anti tax, pro authoritarianism, pro vulgarity, pro Putin, pro stupidity, pro simplemindedness, pro incinerating the planet, pro Jordan Petersen, pro Nigel Farage, pro Kevin Myers, pro Jeremy Clarkson, pro Toby Young, pro professionally obnoxious columnists, pro being derisive about RTÉ and the BBC while being totally obsessed with these entities. Those people have an absolutist mindset because they have no mind. And so risibly on and so tediously forth. The kangos would fare as well in a Eurovision Predictability Contest as – well, as brilliantly as Sweden do, appropriately enough, in the Eurovision Song Contest. Besides, those lads almost entirely commented in bad faith, knowing their whack job theories and simplifications would never get tested in the real world.

And here is why they are so ignorant. They cannot learn from experience, because their sovereign experience never significantly rises above experience of their own personality alibi temperament. The risible stuff really comes to the fore when people simultaneously claim ‘Covid is just an oul flu’ and ‘Covid can give you myocarditis’. How stupid and incoherent can anyone be. Well, that fuckin’ stupid. All the while, recreational paranoia cross infected with bad faith remains the true dose.

There was lockdown, because there was no credible and substantive alternative – unless you believe effectively doing nothing, letting almost everyone get Covid and then giving Ivermectin to the ill counted as an alternative, which it most certainly did not, whatever the whack simplifications and obtuseness and guff. The right wing nut jobs who claim otherwise are simply deranged and’or just enjoying the showing off their right wing freemasonry socks because of a personality disorder. Stupidity and childishness go hand in hand. I detest stupidity and I have had more than enough of Covid-prompted inanity. My thoughts instead are with people who lost loved ones during that awful period or became seriously ill.

As I said from the start, the relevant parties in government and other spheres should be held to account – severely held to account – for wrongs done during the pandemic. The corruption in certain quarters was obvious and heinous. Those offences can only be part of a legal process and personality alibi venting on the internet is irrelevant.


Again, for the millionth time, you have no evidence of that assertion. Therefore that assertion is a lie, because the ramblings of grifting wing nuts on social media is not evidence.

anti state, anti public sector, anti public health, anti immigration, anti ecology, anti tax, pro authoritarianism, pro vulgarity, pro Putin, pro stupidity, pro simplemindedness, pro incinerating the planet, pro Jordan Petersen, pro Nigel Farage, pro Kevin Myers, pro Jeremy Clarkson, pro Toby Young, pro professionally obnoxious columnists, pro being derisive about RTÉ and the BBC while being totally obsessed with these entities

I disagree with your hypothetical opponents on every single one of those issues.
But I also think that the fact that the government and their expert supporters believe we should carry on with life as normal but be careful given the virus as it currently stands says a lot. Especially, given that there are also a huge amount of experts who believe that this flippant laissez faire attitude is incredibly dangerous it should give intelligent people pause for thought about the virus heretofore and the danger it may or may not have posed

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The virus as it currently stands, against the backdrop of an overwhelmingly vaccinated population, is a very different proposition now to what it was in 2020 and 2021.

It constantly amazes me how people now talk about 2020 and 2021 and what we should have done then as if we had the same conditions we have now.

Like, I genuinely don’t know if these people are trying to play stupid because they’re bored or something, or if they genuinely are that stupid.

It’s hard to know what to think about the relentless stupidity that seems to prevail through sheer relentlessness in public debate these days.

Okay, fair enough. And thanks for considered reply to a combative post.

All I can note, as per earlier reply by Cheasty, is that the combination of partial immunity, weaker Covid variants and vaccination means the situation in summer 2023 is absolutely different than the situation in spring 2020. You are not comparing like with like simply because Covid remains the virus in question.

As I tried to point out, the fact that someone did not enjoy a meal does not automatically mean that said person did not gain nutrition from said meal.

You did. You think it’s a great analogy. Is there any chance we might have derived nutrition from a different meal? Yes. Of course. We could have changed the menu.
Championing lockdowns as the reason that everybody in the world isn’t dead after covid is about as smart as saying lockdowns had no positive effect. Lockdowns shortened the lives of millions through atrophy and lack of stimulation. Many kids went mental, many old people stagnated and died. They just didn’t die from covid.
The job of governments was to weigh up different options and use different tools at their disposal. They got handed lockdowns and barely thought of anything else.


Lockdowns were sinister and did not work

If they did, they would be evidence to back them up. There isn’t

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They did however give us WFH and for that myself and @Julio_Geordio will forever be grateful.

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I’ve a picture of Tony on the wall and I kiss it every afternoon before my nap


Of course they worked a bit. At the start they stopped transmissiin hugely. But they also had huge negative effects. The length of the first lockdown in ireland was outrageous when the disease was effectively surpressed outside clinical settings. The second one could well have been avoided entirely or greatly lessened.


Mate, if they worked there would be stats to back that up and that just doesn’t exist. A Chinese style lockdown would work, where people are literally arrested for going outside.

But a lockdown where people still go to Tesco or have their deliveroo brought to them etc did nothing. Countries who participated in that nonsense fared NO better than countries that did.


Mate, cases and deaths dropped hugely, almost instantly.

Like I said, I don’t think we should. I think we should have reacted, but not lockdowned. That’s only what I think though. Truth is nobody will ever know, but for all you cal the data from Sweden “guff”, I think it was a braver, more considered and more humane and sensible response, and there is nothing data wise to say it resulted in substantially worse.


Deaths never went back up as the majority were poor divils trapped in nursing homes who were left for death by our caring government.

Cases fell, then went back up, then fell again as the seasons progressed. Looking at the overall picture, the lockdown achieved nothing

Nobody mentioned compelling people to do anything.

You’ve a lot of trapped anger chief.

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