Covid 19 🐐- It's Back Baby!

It is very difficult to separate exactly how immunity was achieved in the population. Being pro vaccine and anti hard lockdown are not mutually exclusive views.
I enjoyed lockdown, but I wasn’t stuck in my home on my own, dying alone in a barricaded care home, or stuck in a flat with children and no garden.
The nasty side of lockdown was born by the lonely and the poor.


He is absolutely right about the care homes. What happened was an absolute scandal, worse in the UK, enabled by that sociopathic moron Hancock.

Yep. And I’m entitled to be angry at the way these spineless cowards behaved like dictators during covid.

There was no shortage of guards to stop people visiting their homes or families or taking statements of Indian nurses who’d travelled home to see dying relatives etc. yet when actual crimes need tackling all we get is excuses.

Of course & privately run nursing homes got away with shocking levels of care being overlooked.

But, he is angry about his social life being impeded and has said so many times.

Carrying that level of hurt & anger around isn’t good for him

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Especially the poor. Plenty billionaires say their wealth explode during it.

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There should be loads of quotes to back that up.

I always thought lockdowns were wrong and, frankly, evil. My social life, or what remains of it, was always a secondary concern


You need to let it go though or quit the bitching & do something about it perhaps.

You could start at Local Election level. You’ll romp in to the council.

Next up is the Dail, you’ll romp in there too and you can take all & sundry to task.

I guess it’s easier to bitch, moan and drone on incessantly though….

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If only there was a vaccine for self-pity

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It’s a forum lad. You can ignore me if you want.

I’ll have my protest at the ballot box as I’m not allowed be political without giving up my job


Ah thanks

Never stopped @glasagusban

They did in countries / regions that didn’t lock down as well, it’s called the epidemic curve. There have been at least 5 or 6 said curves in the past 3 years, we are in the midst of the latest one and it will drop just like the others with no lockdown this time.

The #1 error in understanding the pandemic was the failure to accept and communicate that transmission was airborne, this is the single factor that makes half assed lockdowns a sad joke. Nobody who walked into a supermarket during a Covid wave was safe from infection, save the few who wore a well fitted N95 and spent little time in there.

What would have helped was encouraging people to lead healthy lives, exercise and lose weight. Instead people were told to stay at home and not travel more than 3 miles ffs.


Another big week of it lads. I dont know how you do it.

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Please stop lashing out, i may appear tough but I’m really very sensitive.
Do you dispute that countries in the ‘developed world’ have been experiencing ‘excess deaths’ since the pandemic? You can check individual countries here (i appreciate that you may view statistics as right wing lies).


There were three.

It was the third lockdown where things got really silly.

I’m not sure how it could have been avoided in the context of how lockdowns became public policy under “Living with Covid” though.

4, ye cunts locked us down alongside them cunts in Kildare and Offaly too.

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It was the only sustainable approach if we didn’t have a vaccine.

What a pile of steaming Readers Digest jutting jaw bullshit. The right wing fuckwittery really does lobotomize.

You were wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong. I know the gigantic ego finds this truth hard to accept. But there it is. You were one of the uber moronic know nothings on here who scoffed at the very idea of variants. For you, variants were just the work shy telling lies. That craic is how fuckin’ dim you are. I could work out the dynamic simply by having a bit of a think about it.

Why not go the whole hog, so to speak, and tell us Covid dissipates if we eat enough raw eggs?

There would be, three years on, some cold amusement in this level of derangement via ego, were it not for the countless tragic stories involved.

Look, you were completely and utterly wrong on Covid. You spent most of your time in 2020 and 2021 saying Covid was merelly an alibi for the work shy.

Then you opted, when reality broke through some small bit, to hop down the excess deaths rabbit hole. I find this stuff beneath contempt. Therefore there is no point addressing me on the subject. You believe many lunatic things because you are full of anger about life in the 2020s. Only you know exactly why.

You might read that New Republic article on Bronze Art Pervert and Raw Egg Nationalist and so forth. A telling account. There are a lot of delusionists out there, right wing spinning tops, because they cannot deal with their emotions.

Mainly by them, true. There we agree.

But that item of wisdom in bonsai would be true of any crisis. Such is life.