Covid 19 🐐- It's Back Baby!

You are just talking shite – and in typical fashion, because you have a banal mind. Fetishizing the word ‘different’ is not a coherent argument. Fetishizing the word ‘different’ is voodoo for delusionists.

The onus is on your type to outline, in clear terms, what were the alternatives to lockdown in 2020. You have no such outline, not then and not now and not ever. You just have guff.

So fuck off. I am only interested in people who can think.

Yes, they did, implicitly. How do you make people travel to work etc if they refuse, as a majority would have done?

You really are quite staggeringly dim.

Those statements all essentially cancel each other.

Sweden is irrelevant to what needed to happen in Ireland on December 23, 2021. Anyone who says otherwise is, at best, a looper.

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Once again, and I hate to repeat myself, I’ll put my graduate degree in biochemistry and 30 years experience in pharma/biotech over your reading degree and verbose ramblings on stick fighting.

You truly have zero knowledge in any of relevant fields but continue to lurch ahead like a drunker sailor in search of pussy.

As for variants, I have forgotten more than you will ever learn on the subjects of genomics and evolution, all life forms mutate and form variants, you being a prime example.


You can’t bate the Monday club lads :pint:


Deaths in Sweden for that wave peaked on New Year’s Eve and fell just like here. Ireland’s peaked in the third week of January.

We mostly just moved the date of our peak due to the Autumn and then Winter lockdown.

Fairly sure there is a study that just came out showing fairly minimal differences between Republicans and Democrats in terms of death rates for younger folks despite differences in vaccination rates.

It was a really simple question. But I’ll give you a little credit and assume you don’t dispute that thousands more are dying than we would expect.
Would you like to suggest an explanation? Again, a simple enough question.

Interesting tim. Thanks for that.

You know fuck all, as you have repeatedly proved. Falling back on this or that degree is irrelevant. Degrees…

Most of all, you have no wisdom, because you are a racist right wing fuckwit and a pretend Republican – a true Republican cannot be racist, by definition – in the grip of a personality disorder.

Now fuck off.

‘Done with Covid!’ Done with any semblance of intelligence, more like.

You give me an explanation for ‘the feminization of the West’ and I will give you an explanation for the excess death preoccupation.

Hint: the answer in both cases is people struggling for a sense of control.

Post up what it is you think I posted about variants and I will be so generous as to relieve you of your ignorant misunderstanding.

You won’t because at heart you are a coward.

You take a running jump and fuck right off, you despicable vulgarian prick. You are the lowlife who thought it fun to invent a pretend daughter so that you could make a paedophilia accusation. You are that warped – and stupid. I could read the likes of you like a blank book. You know fuck all about anything, except what can be rubbed between your thumb and first finger.

Money buys a lot but most certainly can never purchase class. You are just the dregs of a parasite class.

Repeat: go fuck yourself. I have no interest in you. I know who you are and I know what you are.

Why are you going on about my family again?

Was a simple enough reply, not sure why you need to go off the deep end.
